<Chapter 4>

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Grace stood outside the shared apartment. She was waiting, but she was not sure what for. She knew that inside this door lay all her problems, and walking in was only going to bring all those problems back to the surface. She lifted her hand to the door knob and hesitated. She could go back to Harrison and Hannah and Mamrie would never know she had even come back. But she would have to leave her career behind, and she had worked so hard for it. She turned the door knob and stepped in. She found just what she expected, lights off and no one up. She tried to carefully make her way to her room, but knowing Grace, she was clumsy as hell and tripped on the rug. She sat on the floor for a few seconds, makings ure she hadn't woken anyone up. Once she was sure it was safe, she heaved herself off the floor and opened the door to her room. She flicked the light on and quietly shut the door. She flopped onto her bed and pulled her boots off, her aching feet sighning with relief as the cold, early morning air washed over them. Her pajamas were in the hamper, Mamrie must have put them out. Grace picked them up and sniffed them before deciding they were still ok to wear. She slipped out of the night time attire and into the cool, comfy pj's. She went to her bathroom and ran the tap to get some hot water. As she was wetting her facecloth in the sink, she heard something out in the hall. She quickly turned the tap off and stopped moving. She waited as she heard the footsteps go by her door. She heard the click of nails on the wood, it was just Goose moving around. She wiped the makeup from her face, making sure not to leave any on. She'd had many a college party where she'd decided to sleep in her makeup, only to find that in the morning her face was covered in spots. She rinsed her crimson red facecloth out and put it right back on the rack, right where she'd found it. She turned her light out and snuggled under the covers, expecting tomorrow morning to be the biggest shit storm she'd ever experienced.

The warm, morning sunlight shone through the window above Graces bed. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, yawning at the same time. She went to go get out of bed, but she felt as though there was something she was missing. Something deep inside her was preventing her from going out into the kitchen, and Grace couldn't quite remember what that was. AS the fog cleared from her mind, she remembered what had happened last night. Her stomach dropped. She would have to go out there at some point. She sat with her legs crossed for a few minutes, listening to the two sisters discuss video ideas or some shit in the lounge. Grace could also hear the pouring of cereal, they must have been having breakfast too. Grace hadn't anticipated to be up so early, she thought after last night she would be tired beyond belief. But instead she was feeling quite the opposite. She felt full of energy and ready to start her day. Except starting her day involved walking out there, where Hannah was. She got up and frowned to herself. 'Just go out there', she thought to herself. 'She can't stay mad at you forever.' She nodded in confirmation with herself. She pulled some new clothes on and a pair of fuzzy socks. She shuffled over to the door and pushed it open. Suddenly Mamrie and Hannah were silent. Grace looked over at the both of them. Hannah was looking down into her breakfast bowl and Mamrie quickly did the same. Grace decided to ignore them and carry on. She poured her cereal and milk and sat down at the end of the table. After a few bites, Hannah looked up.

"Where were you last night? WE were both worried sick Grace and I thought-" Hannah was cut short.

"Hannah, I know I didn't text you. But why should I? You're not my mom, I'm an adult. Stop treating me like a child." The words surprised even Grce herself. Hannah looked hurt.

"I would never treat you like a child Grace, I see you as my equal..."

"Well then why should i have to text you? I went out and i had a good time. Sorry." Grace said finally as she took another bite of ceral. Hannah looked as if she was about to say something but stopped. She just looked down and carried on eating. Grace felt guilty. She knew she had made Hannah feel bad, Hannah wasn't at all trying to hide how hurt she looked.

"Look, Hannah, it's just that-" Grace started.

"No. Don't, don't talk to me ok?" Hannah stood up and walked out. She slammed the door to her room. Mamrie looked even more upset now. None of this was her fault, yet she always seemed caught in the middle. She could stay there with Grace or go to Hannah. She looked up at Grace, sympathetically before getting up and walking quietly over to Hannahs room. Grace looked down and thought to herself, 'What have I done.' She could hear Hannah crying form inside her room and Mamrie's soft, hushed whisper trying to comfort her. Grace remembered that she had to make a video today. She quickly finished her breakfast and put the dishes in the sink. Sh stopped for a few seconds just to see if Mamrie and Hannah were still talking. She couldn't hear anything. She didn't want to go in there and tell them she was filming like she usually did. She knew Mamrie would give her that look, the one that said 'what have you done?', and Grace couldn't handle knowing that both her house mates hated her. She stepped over to her corner and set up the camera and tripod. She fixed her hair in the lens and began filming.


Another short one but i cant write long chapters ok i cannawt sorry bout it

and WOW THAT TOOK TOO LONG SORRY i had exams and shit ahhh

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