Chapter 4

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I'm backkkkkkkkkkk well, since nobody's commenting, I hate do this but I've now started a limit or NO NEW CHAPTERS!!!!!

Votes:5 on CH 3 & 4

Comments:5 on CH 3 & 4

Plus  I'll upload 2 CHAPTERS in a day if you check out my friend's story HarryStyles___1D story Breaking hearts but you have to also comment or else you'll get zippo chapters.

I don't want to be a demanding bitch but honestly I feel like I'm just wasting my time with these stories.


Niall's POV

"I'm open!!!!!!" Zayn screamed.

Rach kicked the ball towards him but to tell you the truth she wasn't that good at sports but I still smiled even though the ball only went halfway.

I ran for it after I realized Zayn had too, If I hadn't done something he would've gotten the ball so i pushed him out the way and I got the ball.

I ran with it and Louis was distracted by something so i kicked the ball into the goal and I scored.

I turned around to find that everyone was crouched beside Zayn.........

I walked over and he was laying on the ground gripping his ankle. I walked next to him and he looked up and glared at me.

"This is all your fault!" he said through gritted teeth.

"Zayn, you and Niall are on the same team. I doubt it was on purpose" Rach said.

I nodded agreeing with Rach but what she doesn't know is that I DID mean to do it, I DID want Zayn to get injured because he's after the love of my life and I can't let that happen.

Yeah, you might think "You just met her Niall" but I know when it's real and my love is real.

Uh, no it's not! Niall don't do this!

Um, I think it is and nobody asked you to talk!

But I'm your conscience so whether you like it or not I'm going to!

Ugh! Just get it over with!

Niall James Horan, you and Zayn have been mates ever since The X-Factor!!! Listen to yourself, so what if he also likes Rach doesn't mean you have to start acting like a huge jerk at him. It's not his fault you two ended up falling for the same girl. If you want Rach talk to Zayn about it before you do ANYTHING! If your relationship doesn't end well Simon will kill you so please will you talk to Zayn?

Wow! I should listen to you more! So now I can flirt with Rach, Rub it in Zayn's face and Simon will kill Zayn because I'll tell him Zayn tried to hurt Rach.

No Niall! That's not what I-

"Niall!" Louis said waving his hands in my face.

"What?" I asked

"Are you coming in?"


I walked with Louis back into the house.

Zayn's POV

I laid down on the couch, I'm still not convinced about Niall not doing it on purpose, I KNOW he meant to.

Why don't you let her take care of you

What? How?

Is called exaggerating my friend

You mean lying?

No, exaggerating. Just say your "ankle hurts" more that it really does.

But I can't lie to her

Exaggerate and if you don't Niall WILL get her

That must be why he's been acting strange, He LIKES Rach too!

Even the dead figured that out before you!

You know I don't like your attitude, Goodbye!

"Hey" Rach said coming back with an ice pack and placed it on my ankle.

"So how's your leg?" she asked sitting at the end of the couch.


I thought I got rid of you?

Please do you know who I am?

Yes the whole world basically does

Then you should know you can't get rid of me THAT easily

You are so cocky.

I sat up.

"Um I..I..uh.." I said and looked into her eyes.

"It doesn't hurt that much" I said moving my attention to my fingers.

You were supposed to EXAGERRATE!!

Well I didn't want to, not to her at least. I can't, I won't, eventually If she found out It'll break her heart, I just can't.

"Great" she said smiling at me. I looked back at her and smiled.

"What the hell is going on here?" Simon said.

We both turned and looked at him.

"Hurt my ankle playing Football, it was MY initiation" I said and Simon sighed and looked at Rach.

"I thought I said "nothing that would get them hurt"?" he said.

"You said "that they wouldn't up dead" not hurt" she said.

Simon quickly glanced at me.

"Whatever just be careful okay, try not to do something that you'll regret" Simon said to Rach and kissed her forehead then left.

I raised my eyebrow at Rach and she shrugged.

Simon can be confusing sometimes


Does Simon know? Is Niall delusional? Is Zayn sweet? Are their consciences being helpful like they should be?

Comment! Comment!

Song of the chapter: You know that I've been waiting for you. Don't leave me standing all by myself. Cause I ain't looking at no one else.

What's the Song? and who sang it?

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