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3rd person//

"What the fuck was that?" There was a certain strain to Namjoon's voice that made it clear he was trying very hard not to shout. Yoongi didn't know if he was mad for real or just mad at someone in the game, but that tone always made him a bit uneasy.

"What the fuck are you on about-use the fucking potion!" Yoongi cut himself off, and he hoped Namjoon got that he wasn't yelling at him.

"I heard something, like not in the game, but from yours." Sometimes Yoongi had a hard time remembering that this boy had an IQ of 148 because boy, was he illiterate when he spoke. But then again, Yoongi wasn't much better himself. He groaned out a quick 'hold on a sec' and took off one of the headphone things. "Oh yeah, I'll just  fucking protect you then, wankstain." Yoongi turned down the volume to get rid of Namjoon and tried to concentrate on locating a sound.

His mother wasn't home so he started to think that maybe Namjoon had heard wrong? But as he was about to put on his headphones again he did hear something, very distantly though. Which could only mean one thing: It came from outside. He couldn't hear what the sound was, so his curious ass decided to open the window to check it out.

Simply saying that Yoongi was surprised would be one hell of an understatement, he was shell-shocked, frozen cold as he saw, heard, experienced the black-haired boy next door, and his cheeks turned a violent shade of crimson.

He hit his head on the window as he tried to back in to get away from his neighbour and he paced around his room for a good minute or two before he finally decided on what to do. He dropped down on all fours and reached under his bed to try and find his old nerf gun. He hadn't used it in ages but sure enough, there it was. He quickly wrote a note and stuck it inside of the styrofoam bullet, then he proceeded to shoot it at his neighbour's window, being very careful not to look into it again.

He sighed loudly as he slumped back down into his chair, and when he turned up the volume on his headphones again he was immediately met by Namjoon yelling in his ears. "-ever coming back? No? Fine, fuck it I give up fucking!-"

"I'm back, chill." Yoongi chuckled as Namjoon started to scold him for leaving like that. His character could've- no would've died if Namjoon wasn't there!

"Anyhow, what was the mysterious sound?" Namjoon asked after a while of telling Yoongi to fuck all the way off.

"You'll never believe me."

Jimin's POV//

"What the fuck?" I definitely didn't yelp and looked over at the window, there was some sort of dart attached to it. "How the hell?" I stood up, throwing my sheets into the laundry basket before walking up to my window. As I came closer I noticed that it was a fucking Nerf dart and I immediately opened the window to take it off. Upon further inspection I also noticed a piece of paper stuck into the styrofoam.

Dear Neighbour,

would you mind keeping it down next time?

Sincerely: Yoongi.

My cheeks started to burn hot and I crushed the note in my hand. As I looked out of the window I realised that there was indeed another house there, right next to ours, with a window placed right in front of my own. How the fuck did I miss that?

Curiosity got the better of me and I fully opened the window to see if I could get a glimpse of this Yoongi, or possibly a sound. (That didn't sound as creepy in my head).

"Come on man, you're going to sleep already?" An involuntary shiver went down my spine, his voice was really fucking hot, raspy and... yeah.  "But it's only like, 2 am?" I chuckled. Another night-owl, huh? "Ah, that sucks, hope it goes well, dude." However hot his voice may have been, it was very hard to look past the 'bro-language'. "Yeah, see ya'."

I was a bit disappointed when Yoongi stopped talking - he was kind of entertaining to listen to actually, despite the language used, or maybe especially because of the language used - but when I saw the blackout-curtain move I suddenly remembered the note and was quick to back into my room again.

Given the embarrassment of the situation, my main goal should've been to avoid Yoongi, but something inside me wanted to see the guy behind that raspy voice.

thank you for reading! 💕

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