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Hi everyone!  This chapter is dedicated to Adri_Here033 aka Adri!

"She's an angry little fairy," -Cheyenne
"No matter how serious life can get, you always have that one person you can be stupid with," - Unknown
"Friendship isn't about who's been here the longest, but who walked in said "I'm here for you!" And proved it." Unknown
"Because of you, I laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger, and live a lot better." - Me
"Friends come and go, but the true ones stay close like an octopus on your face." -Unknown
"Good friends help you find things you've lost... Your smile, your hope, your courage.
"A best friend is the person who knows you enough to judge you yet they don't" - Unknown
"Friends are angels who lift you onto your feet when you have trouble remembering how to fly," - Unknown
"No matter how serious life gets, you always have friends you can be completely stupid with!" -Unknown
"My favorite kinda pain is the one in my stomach when my friends make me laugh too hard," -Unknown
"You can always tell when 2 people are best friends when they are having much more fun than it makes sense for them to be having," -Unknown
"Friendship isn't about who you've known the longest, its about who never left your side." - Unknown
Thanks Adri for being so awesome, and for always being there for me! Love you!

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