The Man

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Brynn wanted to have some friends over that weekend. Her younger sister Jessica didn't like her friends. Their parents were going to take Jessica to the water park with her other friend. Jessica was wishing Brynn was dead. Brynn was going to be home alone for two days.

The day came for the sleepover. Brynn and her two friends Lily and Kayla were over. They decided to watch a movie down stairs. There was a big window behind the television. Lily spotted a man outside the window staring at her. She and Lily got too scared. Called their parents. Went home.

Brynn was home alone. All alone. She went up into her room and decided to go to bed.

There was a man standing in her doorway. The same one Lily saw. She got up and looked but no one was there. She brushed it off and back into her bed. She laid down and felt like she was laying on something hard. She looked. She was laying on the man. She screamed. Blinked. He was gone.

She brushed it off again thinking she was hallucinating. Then he blanket started moving. It formed a face and started laughing. It was the face of the man.

"I got you in my hold you cannot escape!" laughed the man.

Brynn screamed, "No!"

She took her blanket and lit it on fire and set it in the center of the room. She ran downstairs. She was sweating. She went down into the boiler room only to find that her water heater was on high. She felt it and burned her hand. She tried turning it down but the knob didn't work. She left the room, closed the door and locked it.

All the sudden there was a loud clanking noise coming from the laundry room. Right outside the boiler room. She looked in her washer and saw the mans face.

"You cannot escape now" exclaimed the man.

"You will not overcome me!" replied Brynn.

She ran upstairs to the kitchen. She grabbed the milk carton and drank all the contents. Her visions starts to black out. She falls. She wakes up on the kitchen floor. Flames surround her. She's sweating. She's paralyzed. She looks up. The man is coming toward her with a knife.

"No stopping me now", the man whispered.

He has the knife over her chest. He stops. He gets engulfed in the flames and dies. She died in the flames also.

The next day her family arrives at the house. Or at least what was left of it. The fire trucks, police cars, and ambulances were already there. The policed confirmed their daughter was dead. Jessica's parents were searching through the rubble.

Jessica was standing on the sidewalk looking into the woods. She sees the man in a tree. He gives her a wink and a thumbs up. She blinks. He's gone.

The police figured out that the house burned down because of a blanket that had been lit on fire in Brynn's room.

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