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WARNING: Read this at your own risk! There will be spoilers as what chapter they are with their details.

- John Fields (Protagonist)
Age: 24
Hometown: Unknown
Likes: Cigarettes
Hates: Doors
First Appearance: Chapter One
Favorite Hobby: To be a "Jerk"

John is the main character of the story. Known for being obnoxiously jerky and foul-mouthed, this impatient average joe has been the subject of ire towards doors whenever he sees them in his path.

- Marie Desmond
Age: 11
Hometown: Cursed Gallery
Likes: Art, Problem-Solving, Flowers
Hates: Rudeness, John's behavior
First Appearance: Chapter Three
Favorite Hobby: Painting

Marie is the deuteragonist of the story. In the whole story Marie's only lifeline is the blue rose she have in her possession. After being sucked into the Fabricated World, she had no memories of what happened to her. Guertena revealed that he was a painting, just like mary. After her death, John still recalls her, despite he forgets everything what happened.

- Serge Hatfield
Age: 42
Hometown: New York City
Likes: Guns, Protection
First Appearance: Chapter Seven
Hates: Pathetic Fools

Serge is a minor character of the story. He is first seen in Sketchbook as John and Marie visited the area.

- Mary
Age: Presumably 9-10
Hometown: Sketchbook
Likes: Friends, Art
First Appearance: Chapter Six
Hates: John, Indignance

Mary is the recurring character from the real game. When John encountered her for the first time, she was not liked due to her weird behavior.

- Guertena Weiss
Age: Undead (Resurrected)
Hometown: Unknown
Likes: Art, Mary
First Appearance: Chapter Eleven
Hates: Marie's Betrayal

Guertena Weiss is a legendary artist who made the paintings throughout the gallery. As in chapter eleven, he morphs into a mutant giant blue doll and his objective is to kill Marie.

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