Five - Haunted?

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   At the Gray Area, John and Marie entered the door and saw two giant black hands next  to each painting on the walls.

   "These paintings... I have never seen these before."

   "Grieving Bride... Grieving Groom..." As what it was said on each painting.

   The black hands seemed to connect on each painting as they were begging for something. Their fingers were moving in weird positions like a person who typed a document in a typewriter, except they were only hands with no body parts at all.

    "What's up with these hands?"

    "They are waiting for something."

    "What they are waiting for? Their shit to be spewed out?"

    "I don't know! Why are you asking me? I'm not a curator or an artist."

John and Marie walked above the narrow path. Due to the area being the largest of all, the two had to split up to look for necessary items. John headed west whilst Marie headed east.

"Call me if you have something."


John and Marie went separate ways. Armed with his plank he was preparing for his defence. He walked to the west hall and approached something on the wall. From the wall was a text written. "Eyes." The word dripped huge amounts of paint in the wall. He walk to the hallway and he was greeted with eyeballs of the ground. One of the eyeballs was oddly bloodshot.

"You disgusting fucks."

The eyes stared at him maliciously for a minute. The eyes loathed his aberrantly obnoxious behavior. "You are not welcome here, especially your attitude," the eye with a bloodshot said to him.

John left the hallway of eyeballs and went back to the location he was in. He opened the door and entered in. Inside was a room, which was a labyrinth. The maze was filled with three headless mannequins roaming around. The maze itself was narrower. In awe, he took his plank and navigated through the maze.

Meanwhile, outside of the Statues' room, Marie left the room and went to the other room further north. At the room she was in, was an art room. Onto the easels were canvasses of only a single drawing. A drawing of an eye drop. There were lots of tables blocking into her way. Glancing upon she saw a full, small bottle of eye drops sitting at one of the tables.

"Weird... What's an eye drop doing here?"

Marie heaved the tables away with effort and reached the table where the eye drop was. She picked the eye drop and left the room. Marie headed west of the room and saw John when he opened the door with a fueled rage.

"Wh... what's happening with you?!"

"Shut up!" John swung his plank and bashed it towards the door.

"Calm down!!"

John sat down in misery as he was completely insane. He put his plank down and Marie sat next to him. "I am completely annoyed now!" Marie patted him as consolingly as she can. She had a concerned look on him.

"Is there something wrong with you?"

"Nothing! You know why I'm like this?"

"I don't ever know. Let's go," she gave him a tiny smile on her face, "we have to find the exit here."

John stood up and they went back to the hallway of eyeballs, where this time, the eyeballs were staring vindictively into John. Marie saw the congested eyeball. The eyeball wandered to the northeast corner of the hallway.

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