Chapter:8 Oh Yeah

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"Wait who are you again" I questioned

"oh yeah i forgot about that-" she giggled

"You don't know your name"

"Sure" she said as she had given me a face palm I decide to take that as a chance to name her

"I know Sam" I exclaimed

"Sam What?" she looked at me with confusion

"That'll be your name"

" I actually like that" We hugged and talked for a while I loved my new body Sam, Probably because the only thing I've talked to in years has been the voices in my head... but I don't think that counts.

"It does" One said

"I don't think it does" The second one said

"What do you think #4" the third said

" I don't really care" it said. After i was done i had lost the whole conversation the only words I made out were

" Do you" she asked with hope gleaming in her eyes

"Sure"I said with an uncertain grin. She gave a huge smile and kissed me on the cheek

"What does that mean"#1 asked

"wow you Alexed it up"#3 yelled

"I think you just started going out" #2 said questioningly

"I don't think so" I said aloud

"what was that" Sam had asked

"Oh nothing"

"The voices huh"

"Wait I'm not crazy"

"Believe it or not" It started not to matter to me anymore what that kiss had meant. I always wanted a girlfriend. I had my fair share of preschool boyfriends, I was the candy in those boy's eyes.

Sam was also so funny I couldn't help myself from falling off the couch a couple times. My stomach hurt like a lot I couldn't remember the last time I had laughed that hard or even laughed for that matter.

"Want One" Sam asked while flicking a beer bottle cap in the air

"I don't thi-"

"Your mommy's gonna get mad"

" You know what your right". She threw one at me and you know what it wasn't half bad it tasted sort of good... After the fourth time i didn't decide to throw up. I drank and I drank Kept on getting up for more.

'Could ghost's get drunk' I thought to myself if so I was probably already hammered . Everything was so blurry so I would take that as a yes. It's weird how my mind could still work but i didn't know what the fuck I was doing. I think I was dancing but I wasn't really confident, I was bouncing up and down screaming and Sam had seemed to enjoy this. Because this time she was the one who couldn't stop laughing. Her laugh was so calm like a sea shell when you put your ear next to it. I think I was starting to hope that is what the kiss meant. I think my drunk body thought so to. I had went to pick her up but I swooped her into a kiss or what my drunk self had thought would happen. I ended up kissing a newly broken coffee table. Sam was just laughing hysterically she couldn't control herself kicking her legs up in the air and the whole bit. I think I may of blacked out then because I couldn't see anything and I heard unusual snoring and a puddle of drool had formed around my mouth.

The morning sun had woke me up I still felt a bit groggy but I could at least control myself. I was still on the coffee table as soon as I got up drool had slowly stretched out connected from my face to the floor. I was pretty confident it wasn't all spit. Sam had her face glued to the fridge literally like actually there was a paste thingy on her face and the fridge. Sam looked so calm and pleasant I know this is a bit creepy but still it's me but I just stared at her for a couple minutes.

I went into the shower to wash the grossness from my face. It's been so long since I've felt water probably because I never could touch anything before. You know that feeling when you feel truly clean like you haven't bathed in years and then all of the sudden you feel really warm and cuddly inside. After I was all washed up I wrapped a surprisingly fluffy towel around my chest down to my knees and walked down stairs. Sam was up and was taking a puff (P.S what I mean by puff is a cigarette puff) I didn't know she smoked but I figured. Because of her attitude around people and her overall voice that sounded quite scratchy.

"Good morning" I greeted

"Want one" Sam asked without a greeting back. I didn't want to seem chicken but if i did it and i started coughing i would make more of a fool of myself. But it would show commitment for and a little reputation. The 2 half won

"Yeah why not" I said while making the biggest smirk possible.

When I took a puff I felt really alive and then there was the head ache of a life time realizing my first hangover and it was hell.

"How do you not feel like shit" I asked with as much politeness as i could muster.

"Never had one never will" She smirked


"Yeah me and Nikki would always ge-"

"whats wrong?"

"Where the fuck is Nikki"

"Oh yeah"

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