Chapter 14: The End

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(Sorry for the short past few chapters I've just been really busy and just trying to get little tid bits out there. This one will be extra long one because it's the last chapter two because I've been short the past month. Their will be a part two coming out soon.)I woke up with a fright somehow I imagined the whole thing. That couldn't be true that was impossible. The feeling I felt the tough times I endeavored it couldn't be a dream or a nightmare.

I didn't know what do it was hard lately I was trying to figure out. Whether I liked it in the real world better or the invisible world. I had such a short life in the real world and I had most of my great memories in the invisible world. Only if I could switch between the two but I know I  couldn't. It was a one way street I should be glad I'm here and not stuck there but I grew up into being 16 at least I think. Without any help probably because I didn't need any caring for. But now I'm short and can't get stuff and the exact opposite of independent. Since my mom doesn't know what happened or anyone but me Sam and Nikki. My mom would think I'm crazy and crazy I would sound.

"Alex your lunch is ready" My mom called for the third time
"Coming" I yelled from all the way upstairs.
"Next time say it the first time please".
My mom was the nicest I felt sorry for Nikki he was in foster care and his last foster parents kicked him out. For having night terrors Sam couldn't adopt him because she already had a house of 7. Poor woman maybe we could adopt Nikki
"Hey Mommmm?" I said sounding as innocents as possible
"Hey Alexxxxxx" she mocked
"Can we adopt my best friend boy"
"Because he's In foster care and I feel bad for him".
"Well I guess but will give him a trial run and this won't happen right away either it will take months".
"Thank you thank you" I was so happy and handed mom the phone and gave her the cutest look I could muster.
"I guess I'll do it now" she said while gritting her teeth.
Even a five year old could see I was getting on her nerves I was not gonna ask for anything. For times 2 the day it takes to get Nikki living here.
"Hi we would like to get registered for Nikki-" she paused
"Brown" I whispered
"Don't we have to do some paper work or something".
"But ok then"
"Whats going on mom"
"Well it's not going to take months"
I quickly took the realization well it was a good try I just wanted to make him happy but I failed. I slugged outside
"It's going to take hours" my mom yelled after me.

I immediately turned around and hugged her with all my might. which I still had the strength of when I was in the invisible world. I ran to the bus in a happy dance excited. My whole world and Nikki's world have just been flipped in a good way. I hummed all to the school and all back to school. Nikki wasn't there that day so that meant something and that meant something good. I told Sam about what I did, she thought it was great idea. When I opened door I was met bye a happy Nikki who hugged me tighter I could hug back. And whispered
"Thank you Thank you" I didn't say anything back I was just happy. Nikki is my best friend in the whole wide world he was like a brother to me. And maybe this might solve his night terrors.  I couldn't stand thinking about him getting no sleep whatsoever and scared to death. I didn't know if it would stop his night terrors I just had hope and lately it's been on my side.

The morning came quickly but not as quick as the terrifying scream that woke the house. I quickly ram inside Nikki's bedroom followed shortly by mom. It came to be Nikki constantly screaming while still asleep. Mother walked up to him and wrapped her hand around his and told him
"Everything's going to be alright". In a slow Smooth voice I've never heard her use. Mother couldn't stand the suffering just as much as I could. It wasn't fair that this young boy had to suffer so much alone and afraid. But I had ot endeavor just enough. But looking back on those moments why didn't Nikki go back to his family. Was that just another foster family or did his family get sick of the night terrors. I was too busy thinking to notice mom had finally stopped the screaming and he was still asleep. I went back to sleep at that time leaving my mom to the motherly magic all mom's had.

When morning had finally arrived I woke to see my mom currently holding Nikki's hand has she done so all night. Or has it happened again I just was too tired to wake. Considering mom was drooling a little on Nikki I would say all night. I wanted to wake the two to tell them it was time to get ready for work and school. But it couldn't harm anyone to be a little late could it after all it was a Friday. Even mom she's been working so many extra hours maybe she knew about the disappearance.  She just didn't want to talk about it because she was too weak to let it happen again. Whatever it was I was ok with not disappearing for another ten years. I feel too old already but in reality I was another five year old at the looks of things. But in the other reality that was more than half of my life I was a fifteen year old girl. With a life half alone and motherless or even lifeless. Until I knocked over that piece of bread I felt empty and hopeless until everything changed I could eat sleep drink touch. All the five senses back where they should be in me and me they finally were.

After that things lead to another I would have never met Nikki if I didn't get my senses back. Or even sam I might've not been hear if I didn't get to meet my friends at that time. The only thing I wish if I got my senses sooner and all the butterfly effects would happen at the same pace. Or maybe even I visited my mom sooner and I would've just been happy like that. However still many questions were left unanswered. Like the three men on huge thrones or why did I just experience the time changes then. What happened to Nikki's real family or the family that owned the bakery. Or why was Sam a teenager in the invisible world and came out as a teacher. Did fate align us altogether for some big master plan installed for us.
Thank you I enjoy writing the second book soon
Word count 1227

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