Chapter 1: Graduation

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"PHOEBE!!! WAKE UP!!!!" "AHHHH. WHAT THE HECK ALYSSA?!?!?" My best friend, Alyssa, screams as she's jumping on my bed. "Phebs. Guess what day it is." " Hump day?? " "What? No. Its freaking graduation. Get up and get dressed." I push her off my bed and find my dress. I straighten my usually curly, brown hair. My bff curled her usually wavy, red hair. She was wearing a green, strapless dress. I was wearing the same thing, except a different color. " OMG!! I can't wait till we graduate." Alyssa says. We've been best friends ever since the 7th grade, when she moved here. We have been the here since then. A lot of our friends have moved over the years, but we've never been alone. "PHEBS!! Stop with the flash back and hop in the truck!!"
"You don't tell me what to do Ali!!" " I'm your only ride there." "Coming." I grab my phone from the counter and get in the truck. Alyssa has always been a hunter. She's really good too. We get to our school with our school colors everywhere. "Come on Ali. We have to be with the choir." We hurry to the auditorium. As we get there, Flynn stands at the door. " Hey Flynn " screams Ali. "Complement your girlfriend!" Then she runs into the auditorium. "Hey Phoebe. You look beautiful." "Are you doing this because my bff told you too?" I ask. "Why can't I compliment my girlfriend without you thinking I did it because of your best friend??" I look at him. "She's scary OK." I smile. Then my phone goes off. "Crap. Have to go Flynn. Mr. B is going to kill me if I'm late again." I run into the building. "OK. Love you" "Love you too." I call over my shoulder. That boy is going to get me in trouble one day

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