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3 years ago

"He's in the hospital! !" Ryouka-san said.

Naruto's eyes widened.

"I just got called from my friend who worked there. She said that she saw Sasuke was unconscious and had been taken to the surgery room !" Said Ryouka-san with a panic tone.

Naruto immediately dashed towards his room and took his bag. He walked back to Ryouka-san.

"Thank you Ryouka-san, but can you take me to the hospital please ?" Naruto asked.

Ryouka-san nodded and lead him to her car. Then.. they made their way to the hospital.

"Ryouka-san.. do you know which room is Sasuke's ??" Naruto asked.

"It's room 275, at the 4th floor... !" She said.

Naruto ran towards the elevator and goes up to the 4th floor.

His hands were trembling, afraid that something bad happened to Sasuke.

As then he made his way to room 275. Naruto take a breath in and out. Nervous of seeing his friend.. no.. his lover.

He opened the door.

There.. he saw sasuke sleeping on the bed. Naruto let a smile on his lips, glad that nothing had harmed his lover.

Naruto closed the door then walked towards sasuke's bed.

"Sasu-chan." Naruto said in his breath.

Sasuke opened his eyes. He saw his blonde idiot lover standing there next to him.

"I'm glad nothing happened to you, Sasu-chan.." Said Naruto, as he then caressed sasuke's cheeks.

"So.. is there anything you wanted to talk about?? What happened ? I heard from Ryouka-san that you're taken to the surgery room yesterday..?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke just lay there, not saying a single word to him.

"I'm asking you, Sasu-chan.. what happened ?? You made me worried so much.." Said Naruto.

Sasuke's eyes widened. Didn't know that he made his lover worried about him.

Sasuke took the note and a pen next to him. And began to write.

Naruto just stand there, don't know what sasuke's writing for.

Sasuke gave the note to his lover and smiled. Naruto then took the note and began to read his lover's writing.

"I'm sorry for not answering your question earlier. But if I must tell you why I got here.. is because of me protecting someone. I was walking down the alley, the fast way to go him is through the alley but then I heard a woman scream. I saw a man was going to rape the lady. So I decided to help her and told her to run. But then.. the man attacked me with his knife. I got into a fight. I was able to prevent the knife go through my heart, but the knife slipped and made a huge and long cut on my neck. When I was taken to the hospital, the doctor tells me that the cut on my neck affecting me and the cause of it was that I am unable to speak or letting out a single voice out of my mouth. And he said that if I didn't do the surgery immediately.. I won't be able to talk anymore. I'm sorry that I worried you Naruto-kun.."

Naruto's hands were trembling. As tears fall down from his cheeks.

"But then.. who am I supposed to talk with if you can't.. Sasu-chan?? You know that you're the only friend I've got !!" Naruto yelled to him.

Sasuke move his body and sat on his bed. Sasuke stretched his hands towards Naruto's face. He cupped Naruto's face with his hand and smiled.

He wiped Naruto's tears. While his other finger touched Naruto's lips.

Naruto looked through his eyes, and knew what he's going to say.

"It's going to be alright.."

Sasuke leaned his face towards Naruto's. As then his lips touched the Blonde's.

Naruto was shocked about what his lover do to him. But decided to give in and reply the kiss.

Sasuke then departed his lips from his lover's and look through is eyes.

"Sasu-chan.. I have always love you from the very start. But I decided to shrug it off. But now I knew that I love you..." Naruto said.

Sasuke gave him a smile.

From the looks of Sasuke's eyes, Sasuke was saying "I love you too" to Naruto.

And since that day on.. Naruto decided to protect Sasuke no matter what. Until.. His family was moving out to another country. Sasuke need his treatment, and the doctor's here cannot handle him anymore.

And when Naruto heard the news that sasuke was moving. He's sad that he cannot share their memories together anymore. And Sasuke left without a good bye. Only left a letter for Naruto.

"I'm very sorry Naruto-kun.. but I had to leave you to another country. I'm very sorry that I can't keep my promise that I made to you. I regret leaving you alone. But I promised you.. that one day.. we'll meet again somewhere. Just don't loose your hope and never give up on your dream..


Naruto couldn't stop crying that day. He just loose his only friend. He just loose his lover. And he doesn't know if he can keep Sasuke's promises too.

I'M SO SORRY... I know it's so cliche.. but I couldn't think of any ideas. I know it sucks and I'm sorry.. (。ŏ﹏ŏ)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2016 ⏰

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