Chapter Two

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I fought in the losing war that was me against my hair and decided to just leave it in whatever disaster it wanted to look like.

I stared at the grass green eyes staring back at me in the mirror. They were my real eyes behind the spectacles which were the consequences of reading until 3 am that I never regretted doing. The midnight roller coaster rides those books got me in were worth it.

I only wear brown contacts and wax my hair right, the only times the beast actually obeyed me, when I go out and try to impress for some good time.

I put on my contacts since it was the first day of school, ran downstairs and found two bacon and egg sandwiches in a transparent Ziploc plastic bag. Mom had already gone to work and I finished my breakfast before heading out.

I stood outside and waited for the bus. After seven minutes, the school bus arrived and stopped before me. The doors opened and I was greeted with the surprised look of the bus driver.

"Good morning, Mr. Frost" I greeted with a sincere smile and got in the bus filled with only a few students I never cared to look at.

"Good morning Vivi. Good to see you again" Mr. Frost warmly smiled at me as he drove the bus to school. I sat in the furthest window seat at the back of the bus and thoughtlessly stared at the view of the rushing town outside.

Mr. Frost was a kind man in his late fifties with graying hair and a mustache that defied gravity and was one of the few people who was nice to me. He was one of Dad's friends and knew about his death and even my bullying.

We reached the school and I bid him farewell, getting off the bus and looking at the entryway of Hamilton High where students buzzed about the places they've been with their friends, the latest gossips and someone who was deeply offended by someone wearing 'those shoes? With that dress?' she couldn't even.

I can do this. I've changed. I won't let them just push me around me again. I'm stronger now.

I chanted this like a mantra in my head as I took the steps that got me closer to the little temple where the blood of oblivious teenagers was sacrificed to the demons in Hell known as Hamilton High.


After receiving my schedule, I proceeded to the locker room and stopped at the assigned locker I got.



I ran my palm against the gray steel and flipped the same combination in the lock, the soft click of it unlocking the locker and unleashing the memories of the time my face was shoved against its smooth, cold surface.

Pain bloomed from my scalp as my blond locks were gripped by his hand, the other roaming my body and the side of my face hurting from being shoved against the cold metal.

I was expecting to feel pleasure with his hand all over me considering he was someone I liked, but all I felt with every tear that dropped from my terrified, wide eyes was disgust.

I was disgusted with myself.

I had the hots for someone who got off from tormenting me.

I let him do those things to me. I was already bullied and no one was planning to take the role of my knight in shining armor. I was all I had left and my only hope, Vivace Cornelius Loris, was not able to save me from this.

I betrayed myself. I was that alone. Whoever the hell that guy was.

"So you like it when I do this to you, huh?" he ground his member to my butt and I gasped in shock, a whimper escaping my traitorous lips.

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