Kiss him, slap him or patch up???

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I stare at my step sister and instantly feel the urge to slap her and beat the shit out of her. That idiotic fucking bitch had a nerve to stand infront of me and smile when only 5 hours ago maybe she was making out with my boyfriend.

My dad must have sensed the tension because he quickly walked towards me and hugged me. I hugged him back but kept on sending death glares to my step sister which she kept on ignoring.

Dad introduced his new wife to me and despite the fact that she was the reason my parents got separated , I liked her. I mean she was soft , sweet and a mom like figure. But yeah her daughter was complete opposite ; a slut.

Her name as dad told me was Hibzie. Well not really but that was her punk name and she preferred it. I gave her a sick smile and accidentally on purpose stepped on her foot.

"Ouchh! What is wrong with you?"

"Me? Check yourself first what is wrong with you!"

"Girls break it up. Carrie stop looking at her like that she is your sister now. Hibzie I'm greatly disappointed in you."

I look at my dad. Unbelievable ! I looked at his wife, she was also looking at her daughter with disappointment .

I coughed loudly (quite loudly because to be honest this is a weird situation you know the kinda situation where you don't even know what to say or do and you stand their awkwardly wishing that it would end up soon).

"Girls hug each other right now."

I look at dad in shock. How can he even say that. I mean c'mon how come he didn't notice that I'm not actually happy with the fact that she is my step sister. I'd rather die then hug. Seriously I don't even want to be near her , I'm disgusted by her ; there's no way a girl like that could be my sister she is completely opposite of me.

I'm not saying I'm innocent but she is bitch. I'm sure she will get along with Amanda really well. You see they both are quite similar; same bitchy smile and attitude. I know you must be thinking that I should be thankful but tbh I never asked for her.

After debating with myself I glance at Nina( my new step mom ) and that look on her face melts my hearts and I take a step forward and hug her while keeping my distance.

"I don't like you and I hope u know that and btw thanks for slapping my date in the club but you know he is good in bed like really good and believe me I have slept with him."

With that she pushes me away gently I should say and winks at me. I look at her in disbelief. WTF? she slept with Jason and the hell he didn't even tell me .

Carrie he was a playboy, he must have slept with so many girls. That's why he is sex god and that is why he is such a good kisser. What else did you expect and it's not like you liked him then why so jealous?

I snap at my subconscious and follow my happy dad to his car.

Once we all settle down I see her texting someone and she looks up and mouths me Jason and winks at me.

Fire lights up inside me and I am sure she knew that cause she smirked at my reaction. For the next twenty five minutes I ignored her looking outside at busy street and fog.

Drive to the restaurant was quiet and I knew that Nina and dad were both aware of the tension. Once we reached the restaurant , dad gave car for valet parking and we went inside.

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