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    Lilly's POV

Thump, thump, thump. On the final thump, a jet of pain in was felt in my head. I slowly open my eyes to reveal my brothers on either side of me. I seemed to be in a pile of snow in a plain that was barren as far as I could see. Sudden realization had hit me. We had time traveled to a bloody different time period.

   "Lilly, James, are you okay?"  Albus called.

   "I'm fine. Lilly?" James answered.

   "No I'm not okay! Do you have any idea when and where we are? You broke a time turner. Dou you know what happens if a person touches the essence of a time turner? Do you?" I screamed.

   Both boys shook their heads. I scoffed before resuming, "That person gets sent into any time and any place in the time space continuum! You have sent us here and now we cant go back! Can you ever learn to keep to your selves? If you hadn't come looking for me, we wouldn't be in this mess. This is all your fault!" All I wanted is for my brothers to let me live my life with out any of them trying to live it for me.

   "Fine, if the Ravenclaw knows every thing, she can do it by herself. Come on Albus, lets go," James had the temperance of our mothers temper, even more bipolar than I.

   "Wait, we cant just leave her here," Albus tried to reason, "She's still our sister!"

   "Ya, well she is no sister of mine, she wants to do every thing herself," James spat as if I wasn't here.

   "Albus, are you sure you want to go with him, I mean, you might want to go with the person who has more than half a brain cell,"  I spat.

   He scoffed, "Or do you want to go with some one that is at least brave enough to get into Gryffindor!" The words stabbed me like a knife.

   "H-how could you," I whispered.

   "Its easy, I just have to look at you. I know you, you would hide rather than fight. Your a coward," James yelled.

   "James!" Albus looked shocked.

   "Fine, I wont burden you any longer," I turned around and started to walk. In the distance I could hear Albus scold James, but niter of them even looked back.

   I walked in the bitter cold for about 3 hours before I finally collapsed. How could my brothers abandon me? Why didn't Albus, the simi-sensible one, do anything to proswade James to come back? How could the just leave in a time like this? It was nearly unfathomable. I knew I couldn't walk any more and I fell into the frosty snow. Tears streaked down my face until I felt my eyes close. I knew I shouldn't sleep, for I have read about what can happen, but the prospect of warmth and getting away from all of my troubles. Slowly, very slowly, I fell into oblivion.


   "Lilly Potter," Deputy Headmaster Longbottom called, ushering me up to the three legged stool with the fabled sorting hat.

   Everyone was looking at the final Potter child who was about to be sorted. Most people thought that the final Potter would end up in Gryffindor, but boy, they where wrong.

     Ah, another Potter. You are very brave, that's for sure, but I think a more subtle calling is calling you. You have many  gifts young one, you just have to find them. You would do well in every house, but two houses in particular are good for you. Gryffindor  just isn't quite right. Must be...Ravenclaw.

   My heart sank. I looked over to my brothers. They gave me a sad look, but a split second later, one of James' friends said something and all eyes turned to the boy. I was alone.


  Hey so second chapter. Please comment and vote! Keep reading and I'll write soon!

                                                                   The Author

Lilly Luna Potter And The Twists Of TimeWhere stories live. Discover now