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Remus' POV
I stepped into the Burrow and herd Molly talking, "Sweetheart, a man named Remus bit you and this man here, his name is Serious, brought you and your brothers here. The boys are fine, just worried about you dear."
Instantly, I realized she was talking about me, a ware wolf. How could I have done such a thing, to ruin a poor persons life. They will never forgive me. How stupid I was. I didn't want to be seen, not in a state such as this. The new ware wolf will hate me with a passion. As I headed toward the door, Arthur came up behind me.
" And where do you think you're going?" he asked.
"Away, I can't be a burden on you any more. I'm to dangerous," I stated flatly.
"Remus, it wasn't you in control last night," he reasoned.
"They don't know that," I gestured up the stairs, " They probably won't even want to be in the same house as me."
"No, I'm sick of hurting people, I'll just leave."
" Yea, to where? Remus, this is your home, with us. Your family, imagine how Harry will fell if you just take off and leave. He would be heart broken, he has already has enough neglect over the summer with those god forsaken muggels. Harry needs you (enter curs word for emphasis)," Arthur yelled. By now Molly, Serious and two boys where at the foot of the stairs.
"Remus, what's going on?" Molly asked.
"He was trying to leave," Arthur responded for me.
"But why Remus?" Molly asked.
"I can't bare hurting any one els. My kind are to be left alone in solitude," I bowed my head.
"So, you're the ware wolf who bit my baby sister," the shorter, probably younger, boy accused.
"Bloody hell mate, that's Remus Lupin!" the other boy exclaimed excitedly. Both boys had dark hair and a scrawny figure making them look a lot like Harry and James.
   "You've herd of me?" I asked suspiciously.
    "Yea, our mum and dad said you where the bloody best DADA teacher Hogwarts had ever seen," the older boy explained.
I don't remember a student old enough to have a kid who looked in his seventh year.
   "Who's your dad?" I questioned.
The two boys glanced at each other worriedly.
   "Well, that's the funny thing," the young boy said cautiously, "I know well sounds insane but, we're from the future. I'm Al and he's James."
    "So who's your dad?" I asked already knowing the answer.
   "Harry Potter."
   " And I bit your sister?" I asked timidly.
   "Yea, but I bet she doesn't blame you, we don't," James said, "would you like to go and see her?"
  "Sure, what's her name?"
My heart fell as he said her name with loads of love, just as their namesakes used to.  (Jilly forever)
   "Moony, did you know Harry named his eldest after me!" Serious happily announced.
   "But his name is James," I said confused.
   "Yes, James Serious Potter!"
    "Yea, and what's your full name lad?" I asked Al.
   "My name's Albus Potter," he answered.
   "Say your middle name," James coaxed.
   "Albus Severus Potter," Al stated flatly. This got a mixed reaction. Serious fell a few steps, Molly gasped, I stopped mid step, and Arthur said ,"Is it really," as he where asking if the twins had gone in another trip in the car. Al and James simply laughed at and replied, "You'll understand later."
After the shock Serious finally raced back up the stairs and we reached the landing.
"Lilly, hey Lilly," Al cooed.
"5 more minutes," Lilly said very unlike her name sake.
"Lilly, if you don't wake up now, you'll miss breakfast," James played the reverse role of his namesake.
"Fine I'm up," she mumbled.
"I don't even know how you fell asleep so fast," Al retorted. Serious and I snickered.
"Hia, Lilly, I'm Remus. I'm so sorry for all the trouble I caused," I apologized.
She looked at me with confusion and then her gaze turned ice cold, "You're the ware wolf that bit me?"
Hey so, I'm so sorry for not updating like I promised. This week I have been sick and unable to think of anything to wright. Anyway, keep reading, commenting and voting!
The Author

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