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James' POV
"What the bloody hell did you do to my sister!" Albus cried.
   "It's a ware wolf bite, now if you want her to live, get a move on," Serious commanded. This was nothing like the fun, loving Serious Black Dad had told us about. This Serious Black was a cold hearted monster. We jogged for about an hour and a half,sill bound by our hands, before we reached a silhouette of the Burrow.
   "Serious, why are you back.." Grandma Weasley stopped her sentence when she saw Albus and I bound, and an unconscious Lilly.
   "Serious, why are these children tied up?!" Grandpa came in view.
   " These kids clams to be James Potter and Albus Potter," Serious stated firmly.
   " We can explain, but only to Grandpa, I mean you, you, you and the ware wolf," Albus stated, "It might be a mighty shock. Now, can we help my sister!"
   "Yes, yes. Hand the girl to me Serious, and then you two boys have some explaining to do," she nodded at us.
   "You know, you have us right here, can you untie us already," Albus asked. 
   "Fine," Serious grumbled.

   It felt like hours before saying that Lilly was inn bed and she, for right now, will be okay.

   "So boys, will you explain or will we have to take matters into my own hands?"

   "Serious, behave. Now, lets start with a name. A real name," Grandma asked.

   "We are telling the truth, He's James Serious Potter and I'm Albus Severus Potter, son of Harry and Ginny Potter. The girl up there is Lilly Luna Potter," Albus explained.

________________________After a long epilation_______________________________

   "This is GREAT! I have grand children!" Grandma exclaimed.

   "Ya, about  30 of them," I laughed.

   "Molly, I'm still not sure about this. I mean..." Serious never finished his sentence, for a scream pierced the air.

   Albus and I looked at each other, "Lilly!"

  We all hurried to her room where we found her with a terrified look on her face.

   "Lilly, Lilly, we're here," Albus embraced her. Once she finally calmed down and we explained ware  we where.

   "What happened to my leg, it really hurts," she said, starting to pull the sheet away. We gasped when a gash that was bloody and discolored was reviled.

   "You where bitten by a ware wolf," Serious said.

   "So am I a-a ware wolf now?" she stuttered.

   "I'm sorry Lilly, yes" Grandma looked down.

   Sorry for the short chapter, but I really wanted to get it in today. Anyway, keep reading commenting and voting. I'll update on Thursday!    

                                                                                                          The Author

Lilly Luna Potter And The Twists Of TimeWhere stories live. Discover now