I just need you guys to vibe with me right quick.
There's a girl named Ruby. And she didn't grow up so easily but I mean at 3 you really don't understand what's going on around you so like a normal infant she didn't realize her life was soon to be hell. Age 5 comes around and her mom tells her that the nigga she's been calling daddy isn't her father and that her father in jail for murder. That day she saw everything differently but she still didn't think it was such a big deal.
But let's speed up 2 years later when Ruby turns 7. By then she realized she's been growing up around gang members and drug dealers, so things changed but not enough to realize everything ain't a game.
Let's say about 3-4 months later she's almost raped
Ends up missing trying to get away from the nigga for 2 days about being taken away from her mom for a few years.11 years old she comes back and everything good but fast forward a few weeks later and she's actually raped. No one believes her till 2 years later when she comes back to her mom from being taken away AGAIN. So that's 5-6 years total away from her mom within her childhood. So by 12 she's already fallen into a deep ass depression and already considering suicide.
But she doesn't do it
She stays to see what life has to offer
She turns 14 almost 15 and she's doing great
-About to be a freshman
-been in a relationship for almost 3 months
But her boyfriend is what you would call freaky
Yeah he cares for her, wants everything that's best for her if anything wants her to strive in life with him. But there's times where he asks for too much than what she's used to. And it takes her time to actually do as he ask but he pressures and that sets her back more because of the things she went through when she was younger.
While she's considering it she's also preparing for him to leave once her once he gets what he wants. But then there's something telling her that he loves her and wouldn't do that.
So she figures well if it's true love then why the fuck not.
And she does it
And he's pleased with the results
But all she think is "Is that all he wanted?" "Did I waste my time?"
Now she has to wait until the next day to find out. The overall frustration is what if he doesn't really care after all
That maybe everyone is the same after all and that all they want to do is use her. We'll never know because everyone is a different person.
I guess we have to Think.
RandomI don't expect for you guys to read this but if you do, thank you for listening.