Taboo Police *~* (Rant)

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We all know this person who is so into law of religion that they will shove it down your throat.

Like my 13yr bro. And other hundreds of Muslims during Ramadan

You know why I hate those people?

Because they will bash anyone who they deemed "not a Muslim" during 11 months and then all the sudden do all te religious stuff

Like so what?!

Let them be religious whenever they want what is your Business?

In fact, that actually means they give a damn about Islam, so shut up you jerk and quit throwing your weight around.

Yes, call me a Ramadan mMuslim so what?

Because it clearly stated no listening to music, Im not this month [which is killing me because music improves my mood when I have a bad day)

So clearly you shut up and be as religiously dedicated as you want.

And seriously.

My brother thinks that because he prays and of my god he's so dedicated god isn't going to put him in hell but he will put me in hell because Im not "religious enough"

Dude. There is this thing called "morals"

Which means to try and be a nice person, help people when they need it, ect

So what if I didn't pray that specific prayer? It doesn't mean I adore an worship the devil! It means Im being a lazy ass that you should ignore

If he calls me a demon lover one more time...

II'll just ignore him.

Because iit's Ramadan

And Im supposed to be nice with no cussing or punching or kicking for a whole month...

*does the exasperated whale calling of desperation*

Overall, these guys are just pure jerks who want to feel like they are the best because they are "religiously devoted"

And that's why Im not going back to private school. Because its a full hellhole of these taboo police!

Meme out! (Yes I decided to call myself Meme instead of MeMe because iM lazy)

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