Chapter 29 - Help

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Herobrine's POV

I woke up to someone shaking me, trying to wake me up. It was a familiar voice. It was Collin, shaking my shoulders.

He was panicking. "Dude, wake up. C'mon, Herobrine. C'mon buddy. Wake up."

My eyes opened. "What happened?"

"You gotta help us."

"Wait, Oh shit. Collin, where's Kelli?"

"Dude, Kelli has gone too far. She's after Sarah, but I feel she's gonna run into Entity 303. This fight won't seem to be in good shape. Kelli is making the worst decision of her life. You gotta help her before it's too late. Please."

"Wait, why is she after Sarah?" I asked.

"She killed Anya." He said. "I told her to let it be, but she always keeps her word. She thought she was looking for you. Luckily I found you here. We thought you went missing."

Missing? Me missing?

"Wait, I thought Kelli was with me. Wait. But she was wearing something different."

"That was Sarah." He said. "She used that same disguise trick on us too. For a moment, I thought Kelli was turned on us. She doesn't ever change her appearance."

Oh... shit. That wasn't Kelli.

"Where is she now?"

"She is trying to go to confront her."

"Wait, did you follow her here?"

"I had to. Then I found you and now things will hopefully fall back into place. You gotta help. She's not gonna stand a chance against Entity 303."

"Oh, and she can't change her appearance because she can't change her Minecraft skin from the human world."

"Again with the skin nonsense."

"Oh, Kelli told you?"

"Yea. I don't understand it one bit."

"That'll be another topic for another day. We just have to find Kelli before Entity 303 does."

I got up and picked up my pickaxe that has been lying against a tree. Standing up, I took in the surroundings. I was in the oak forest near his end stone mansion. Next thing I knew, I heard a conversation. More like yelling.

I was hearing Kelli's voice. "Wait what!? What is this malarkey?"


Then explosions.

"Herobrine, you're not yourself. Wake up from insanity. I'm alive, don't you see?"

Wait, talking to me? How was she talking to me?

Then I heard someone else. "What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine. Maybe you're already dead to me."

I would never say that.

"And where's your pickaxe?"


"You know you can't hit girls."

She got hit?!

Then a shout in anger.

"Fucking hell. I should've shot you when I had the chance."

"Correct Kelli. Oh, and it's a pleasure to finally meet you in person."

Oh... shit. No!

"Fucking knew it. You were a fake all this time. I knew I was hearing nothing but bullshit. Why did you do this?"

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