Switching Cellphone Numbers

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Random Writing Quote:       Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand. ~George Orwell, "Why I Write," 1947 (Thanks, Jennifer)

      8. Switching Cellphone Numbers

Today is Saturday and there's nothing to do. I was so bored. The first thing I did as I open my eyes is sigh and give a hug on Mr. Teddy bear. it seems like I'm not going to see the Devil Boy and it makes me so happy that I fell off my bed.

"Well not a good start for a Saturday Morning" I groaned as I put Mr. Teddy back to my bed.

I can feel the coldness of my room as my feet stepped on the floor.

"It's freezing cold in here" I whispered

Finally I'm free and all I wanted to do now is go back to sleep. But I think that's not even a good idea when I lie down. Then I remember the letter Rome gave me.

"I wonder why he mention the keychain thing"






Who could it be? someone is throwing pebbles on my window early in the morning. As I looked down on my window I saw Rome smiled happily as he threw another pebble.




He's going to destroy my window so I open it and dodge the last pebble he threw.

"What are you doing you could have hit me" I said as I pick it up and throw it to him

He easily caught the pebble with his bare hand and laugh.

"Good Morning Princess!" he shouted

He's so loud. Why can't I have my day without Rome interrupting it? why?

"Look, my parents might wake up if you keep doing that" I shouted at him as I close my window

He seemed to be happy annoying me early in the morning. I think I'm going to cry again. So I left my room and grumpily open the front door and tiptoed my way out.

"What do you want?" I asked him as I gave him a shake on his shoulders

"I just want to wake you up and your on your pajamas" he said as he smirked

"You know what devil boy it's rude to annoy somebody this early in the morning and what do you care if I wear my pajamas" I answered back as I give a light pull on the sleeves

"Right Princess it doesn't matter to me" as he glanced on my side and run his fingers through my hair

"Can you please leave?" I begged him when I cut off his touches

"So rude" he said arrogantly

"And whose being rude here?" as I crossed my arms and take a long pause

"What time is it?" I asked him

"7:00" as soon as he look at his watch

"Well then we might be able to enjoy ourselves later" Rome said as he walk away and gave a wave

I rolled my eyes and came back inside. when I pass through the kitchen mom suddenly said,

"Who are you talking to sweety?"

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