Chapter 7

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The black car stopped in front of Kid's house. (Y/N) didn't really want to leave. She wanted to spend more time with Law, but it was really late. She sighed and looked at him.

"Thanks." she said smiling softly at him.

If she was any other girl, Law would have already taken her home and made his way with her. But she was different.

"For what?" he asked turning his head to look at her (e/c) eyes. He could stare at them all night.

"For an awesome date." she leaned towards him and kissed his cheek. "Text me or something." she said laughing and exited the car. She waved as he drove off and then turned to walk inside but she was met with Kid's angry face.

"Motherfucker! Kid!" she shouted as she jumped back surprised.

"Get inside." he growled, sending daggers from his eyes in her own. She was a little scared. He was never like this with her. When he saw she didn't move he took a step forward. "Now!" he shouted.

(Y/N) jumped, and did as she was told. She entered the house, and went in the living room. She saw that Killer was there too. 'Well, fuck.' she thought. She sat her backpack on the couch then walked next to the window and waited for Kid's rage to start.

The front door was slammed and heavy footsteps were heard walking to the kitchen.

"He's really pissed." Killer whispered to her from the armchair he was sitting in. "Don't say anything stupid." he warned.

'Thanks, Killer. As if I couldn't figure that out myself.' (Y/N) glared at the masked man. He raised his hands in defense and grabbed his phone from the table to answer a text.

Kid came in, a beer in hand, walking slowly towards (Y/N).

"What is it you're doing with Trafalgar?" he asked calmly but still threatening, which made her take a step back. She trusted Kid. She knew he would never hurt her in any way, yet she couldn't help but to feel scared.

"Kid, please calm down, and then I-" she couldn't finish her sentence. Kid threw his now empty bottle of beer on the floor to his right. He quickly walked to (Y/N) and grabbed her face with one hand.

"I can't calm down, (Y/N)!" he shouted in her face. "What the fuck were you doing with him?!" he was so mad with rage that he didn't notice (Y/N) trying to push him away.

"Kid..." (Y/N) weakly said as tears started to run down her face. She was experiencing something she thought she'd never have to ever again. She was weak and scared and vulnerable. Memories she thought she forgot were coming back to her, and she couldn't help the tears.

Killer stood up and put a hand on Kid's shoulder. Kid came back to his senses and immediately let go of (Y/N)'s face. He realized his mistake and took a step back.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry." he muttered.

She wiped her tears with her sleeves and hugged him tightly. Kid hugged her back and ran his hand through her hair. Killer walked to the closet room and got a broom to take care of the mess Kid just made.

When he got back (Y/N) was sitting on the couch, and Kidd on the glass table in front of her. She was slowly calming down. Once Killer was done with cleaning he took three beers from the fridge and sat two of them next to Kid on the table, then sat back in the armchair and opened his.

"I went out with him." (Y/N) spoke silently looking at her feet. Both men in the room were surprised she just plainly said the truth. "We went to watch a movie, then ate pizza. And then we just walked in the park and talked." she said. "You can yell at me all you want. I'm not sorry." she finished, making eye contact with Kid at the end.

Kid sighed and look down at the floor. He took a deep breath and looked back at her. He opened his mouth to say something but ended up sighing again and dropping his head in the palms of his hands. He rubbed his eyes and looked at (Y/N) again.

"Listen to me (Y/N). Law is involved with some really dangerous people. People that even we fear." he said. "They'd to anything to get their hands on him. And that includes hurting the ones that are close to him." There was a pause in which (Y/N) just glared at her brother.

"Kid, I like him." she whispered. "And you know how big a deal that is to me. You know I don't just randomly like guys and you also know why..." she said. "I can handle myself and you know it better than anyone. I'm a dangerous woman myself, so I don't care about that, Kid."

Kid sighed and opened one of the beer bottles and took a big gulp out of it. He sat on the other side of the couch and turned the TV on.

"If that fucker hurts you I'm gonna personally cut his balls." he said through gritted teeth.

"I think she'd have that covered, Kid." Killer laughed, finally feeling the atmosphere lossen up. (Y/N) giggled and took the remote from Kid and switched to Cartoon Network, much to the men's displeasure. She opened her own beer and enjoyed the rest of the night.


She was brushing her teeth before bed when she heard her phone ring inside her pocket. She received a message. She finished in the bathroom and walked back to her bedroom. She changed in a large t-shirt she stole from Kid to use as a night dress. She took her phone and jumped in bed to check the message.

From: Law

'I hope Kid wasn't too mad.'

"To say he was 'mad' would be an understatement. But he's not gonna kill you."

Her answer was followed by the laughing emoji. She loved those. She knew Law didn't like them, but she did warn him he'd be seeing a lot of them.

He shortly after texted back.

'So is it safe to assume that I can take you out this Friday?'

After reading that text she was all a giggling mess. She was jumping all around her bed with her phone held tightly to her chest while she squealed and giggled.

She calmed down after a bit and unlocked her phone to reply, with hair still in her mouth, and a big grin on her face.

"Maybe." she answered putting the wink emoji after. "I'm going to bed now. Good night, Law."

She wanted to sent the kiss emoji, but she thought it was too much. She was taking the whole emoji thing to an extreme level. The phone rang again.

'Good night, (Y/N)-ya.' the text read, followed by the cute kiss emoji. Not the one with the heart, but still a kiss emoji.

(Y/N) made another round of giggles and jumping around before she finally settled down with a stupid smile on her face and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2018 ⏰

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