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Lucia was out walking on a beautiful night. She had thought nothing could go wrong. She had just made it out of work and was heading home when one of her friends had stepped out of nowhere. Now this scared her a bit because Lucia's friend was not acting like herself.

      "Dove what is wrong? This is not like you at all. What happened to you?" asked Lucia                         

     "I am really sorry. I had no other choice. Please forgive me," said Dove

     Lucia was just about to ask a question when she heard something that had hit the wall. She looked behind her just in time to see a person. Lucia then decided to dart home. She looked at her friend one last time when she ran. She had not looked back once. It was was like her best friend had turned her back. Lucia was very hurt by that. The rest of that evening Lucia refused to leave her house. Than the phone rang and now Lucia was a little worried about answering it.                    

     "Hello? May I ask who's calling?" asked Lucia

     "Lucia I am so sorry about the other day. I would like to talk to you as soon as possibly. Please sooner than...," said Dove

     The next thing Lucia hard was Dove yelling. Lucia hung up the phone and ran out of her house. She didn't even bother to lock the door. It was not very long before Lucia was standing over Dove's body.

      "Lucia take this and leave because they will be back soon enough. Now go," said Dove

       Now Lucia had no clue on what she was going to do. She took the note and left Dove laying on the floor. Lucia decided that she would not stop running until she had actually made it home. Lucia wanted to know what her friend had meant, however she was a bit scared too. Lucia dropped that paper in her backpack with a few other things. The next morning when she had walked past Dove's apartment building she saw a whole lot of police and many other people. Lucia was going to continue to walk on when she saw two people carrying out a body bag. Right than she knew who was in that body bag. She knew that now she had to keep moving. She than got stopped by a police officer. 

     "I am Officer Thin. I was hoping I could speak to you for a moment," said Officer Thin

     "Sure," said Lucia

     Lucia was taken down to the police station to answer many questions. Once she was able to leave she did. Two weeks after that Lucia would work over time. When the third week had began she had decided to look at the newspaper. To her surprise the case for Dove's killer was closed. Now this made Lucia pretty mad. She decided that she was going to take the case into her own hands. She went back to Dove's house to see if she could find anything that might help her find out her friends killer. It was not long before Lucia found something. She had open the phone book to find only one phone number. The only thing was it was a cell phone number, but no name. She knew that she had to find out the person that owned the cell phone. Two weeks Lucia looked for the person. It was the begin of the third week when she had finally had a lead on who the person was. Now this made her very happy because she could be able to find the killer. Now all she needed was an address. That would be a little bit easier. It didn't take much time at all. Lucia go the address and then head off to the person's home. To her surprise it was a castle that he lived in. Lucia knocked on the door. Within seconds the door was opened. 

     "We have been expecting you. Come this way, but don't touch anything," he said

     She followed him to another room. This time it was two people plus a watchman. Now Lucia thought that it might be a good idea to go home. Just that she didn't know which way to go. 

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