Freedom at last

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Six years had gone by and Lucia had not shown herself. She was living in secret for those six years. Lucia knew that what her brother was doing to her parents was not right at all. So she planned on going back to her parents and killing them. Now all she had to do was bring herself to face her brother. Now Lucia was not really sure if she could though. Even if she couldn't she was going to push herself to go through with it. She packed a bag for three days because she didn't plan to be around longer. She already knew where she was going to find her brother, but what she did find when she had gotten there was wrong.

"Brother what happened to you? What are you doing to mom and dad?" asked Lucia

"Nothing has changed. When you left a really good idea came to me. That mom and dad are not going to have any use for their blood. So why not give it to people that need blood," said Night

"That would mean that the blood that you are giving out would cause other people to turn into a vampire without them even knowing," said Lucia

"Exactly then no one will ever get sick again. They will live forever just like us," said Night

Lucia knew that it was big time wrong. She could not allow her brother to actually do that to the world. She also knew that was going to go against vampire rules. She knew that she had to stop her brother even though she really did not want to at all.

"I am sorry brother, however I cannot allow you to do this. I will give you a choice. Either you can died with honor or you can died dishonored. It's really all up to you," said Lucia

"You can't stop me even if you want to," said Night

Now this made Lucia very mad because she could not believe that her brother would actually say that to her at all. She took her weapons out of her backpack and was ready to fight for the death. It was a very long battle that she had between her brother. Lucia had finally cornered her brother. She already knew that it was going to be very hard on her. She took her stake and throw it into her brother's heart. Before she saw her brother turned into a pile of ash he actually looked like he was actually crying. After that Lucia fell to the ground and cried. She pulled the plug on her brother's work. Within two minutes later her parents were died. To make sure that she done the job she also put a stake through their heart. Lucia then ran away and didn't stop running until she couldn't run any longer. Lucia sold her house and everything she owned. She actually had enough to make it to the Sahara Desert, but could not get back home. That was if she wanted to either way.

Lucia had finally gotten onto the airplane and was on her way. Before she had actually got on to the airplane. She had went to check on Ash. She already knew that Ash would probably not make it through the night. Just that she knew it was his own fault. She knew that was pretty mean to say, but that was how she felt. Before she finally left she took her ring off and laid it next to Ash.

"Ash I am sorry, however I have gone through to many things to stay married to you. I am sorry for not helping you up at all. I will leave your side for good now. I will miss you," said Lucia

After that Lucia finally got up and on the airplane and within two hours was on her way to the Sahara Desert. She never planned on ever coming back. She planned on living forever in the desert for the rest of her life. 

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