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Gabe Pov:
  Wassup my name is gabe de Guzman I am 16 years old and I'm the leader of the most popular boy group in high school boysquad. I am a dancer and an actor and girls are always in love with me because... Im just to hot for them to handle. Here's a picture of my good looking self

 Here's a picture of my good looking self

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Ik what your going to say.. OMG he is so hot and his abs are just😍😍... Thanks you ik, well enough about me for once and let me introduce you the my other good looking boys in boysquad
This is Kenneth San Jose aka Ken. He is 16 years old and he is a big flirt with girls but sometimes when a hot girl starts talking to him and flirting with him he kind of...... Let's just say falls in the girls trance😂 I guess, here is a picture of Ken

 Let's just say falls in the girls trance😂 I guess, here is a picture of Ken

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Here is Sean lew. He is 15 years old and is a ladies man just like me. Every time Sean would talk to a girl they would just drool over him and he try's to take advantage of it by using his secret weapon... His..... Dimples and also his flirting ways. Here is the lewser

This is will Simmons aka big will Simmons

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This is will Simmons aka big will Simmons. He is 16 years old and the biggest party animal you can think of. Everyday he would go to a club and either come back drunk or drunk with a girl that's almost naked . He basically gets a new girl everyday.

And last but not least here is josh price aka the weekend

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And last but not least here is josh price aka the weekend. He is 15 years old and he is just josh there is no explains to do here...

 He is 15 years old and he is just josh there is no explains to do here

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So there you have it all the good looking guys in boysquad. Our high school life is basically like a reality show we always have girls rapped around our fingers except for this girl group names girlsquad. We have had the most biggest crush on girlsquad forever we always try to get with them but they have their ways it's just there way too hot, sexy, and beautiful for us to control ourselves.
Now the story has begun..
Btw if you were wondering
B: Bailey
Bo: boogie
T: Tati
Ta: tahani
Ka: Kaycee
G: gabe
K: Kenneth
Bw: big will
S: Sean lew
J: josh
And also girlsquad lives together all in one house and boysquad does too... I will explain in the other chapter

Boysquad and girlsquad ( not really)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt