Gonna find him

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Bailey Pov
Hears a knock on door
B: uhhhh FINALLY, coming!!!* runs to the door and opens it*
T and bo: Oh MY GOD ARE U OKAY? *hugs Bailey really tight* we were so worried about you
B: yea I'm fine but I don't think Kenneth's is😓
T: What do you mean?
B: *tells them the story of what happened*
Bo: he's back!!!!
B: yes...... and I'm afraid of what  he would do to my Kenny...... you know what he is capable of😿
T: *hugs Bailey: it's gonna be okay we're gonna help you find him
Bo: where gonna do what? *said with an attitude*
B: booogieee *whines*
Bo: fine fine I'll help
T: do u remember anything that you haven't told us yet that you think might help?
Bo: did you see where he left?
B: not really I was in my room when it happened but I did hear a car engine...... and then the puddle of blood was near the window
T: *interups Bailey* so tristian probably went out the window and into the car
Bo; wait... did Kenneth have his phone on him at the time
B: last time I saw it was when him and tristian were talking and his phone was in his back pocket......🤔..... *quickly grabs her phone from her pocket*
Bo: what are u doing?
T: bails I don't think there is time to check your Instagra-
B: GOT IT.....
B: I know were Kenneth is
Bo and t: * eyes widen* then where is he
B: he...


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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Oct 12, 2016 ⏰

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