What came for me

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At baileys house
Ken's POV
Bailey as been acting really weird, first she found a note then she starts screaming at me then she gets excused from class goes into the bathroom and starts talking to herself which I think it's not true... Bailey has to be lying to me or keeping something from me.. What could it be think kenneththink💡... Ever since she got that note she started to act weird there had to be something in that note that might of disturbed her or ticked her off..🤔 but what could it be.. I'm just going to try to distract her and try to find the note and see what it has
K: * puts ice pack on bailey head* hey bails I'm going to go to the bathroom hang tight
B: okay don't take too long though
K: * goes to baileys room and tries to find the note* where could have sok put that note... Oh right she put it in her backpack
K: * goes in her backpack finds the note and reads it* who is this boy?... Do u think🤔... NO SHE WOULDNT CHEAT ON ME LIKE THAT I'm just going to have to talk to her
??? POV
Behind the school
??: glad you can make it * smirks*
Tr:no problem now how can I help you
??: not necessarily only help me but help you
??: if you didn't already know Bailey has moved on and now has a boyfriend who's name is Kenneth San Jose.... Here is the problem me and Kenneth use to have a thing until little miss baileys sok came into the picture ever since then I have always wanted my revenge on Bailey but I needed help , so would you like to help me get my Kenny and you get ur Bailey
Tr:I would love to
??: okay first mission get Kenneth

Baileys POV:
K: umm Bailey can I ask you something
B: yea sure anything
K: who is this * shows the picture*
B: non of your business
*knock knock*
K: I'll go get it * opens the door* hey? Do I know you
?: no you don't but I'm looking for Bailey
K: *yells* Bailey there is someone here to see you!!
B: Coming!! * starts walking to the door*..... TRISTIAN!!
Tr: hi babe
K: WOAHHHHHH!!! Slow down..... BABE!! Bailey what is he talking about?
Tr: and who are you suppose to be?
K: well I'm Kenneth and I'm her BOYFRIEND!!!! *sighs* Bailey can you at least tell me what's going on because lately you have not been completely honest with me and it's bugging me
B: * looks at both of them for 2 seconds and runs into her room and locks the door*
K: BAILEY!!! * was about to go after her*
Tr: * grabs kens wrist* where do you think your going... She need me?
K: she barely knows you😠
Tr: * starts to laugh* she really hasn't told yet huh??
K: what are u talking about??
Tr: * walks closer to him with a knife behind his back* let's play a game it's called the torturing
K: * Ken notices the knife and was about to run* BAILEY!!!! *Tristian threw the knife and it hit his arm and Ken fell of the floor*
T: * punches Ken in the face and made him blackout carried him out the window and runs into his car and puts Ken in his trunk* the things I do for Bailey she has to start to appreciate me more😏 * leaves in the car*
Bailey POV
I can't believe he was here ... And there both still arguing down stairs.
Two minutes later....
B: * hears someone yell her name BAILEY!!!*
B: * starts to run downstairs but slips on a little puddle of blood ( I think you call it that)*
B: AHHH!!! * screams*
Bailey runs to the kitchen grabs her phone and calls Tati and boogie
Phone conversation is going to be in bold
B: Tati boogie come to my house quick
T: I can't right now I'm on a date with gabe
Bo: and I'm at the park with Sean
Phone call ends

I'm pretty bad at this but I'm trying to create drama so bare with me


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