Patrem Sapientum

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When the world reappears and everything steadies, I notice we are in some sort of a paradise. The sun is shining steadily down on us and the world is covered in every manner of trees, bushes, flowers, and animals, both local ones I can name and ones of more exotic origin. The other immediate thing I notice, is how light I feel here, and everything that bothered me about a minute ago no longer affects me. Of course, I'm still concerned about it, but the stress and fear that I have grown so used to over the last few months is gone.

I realize that I never actually noticed it was that bad until this very moment. Looking over, I see Jay looks exactly as I feel, a relaxed, dreamy, 'high on life' expression resting on his face. The look suits him, and he is more handsome than ever if that is even possible. I shake the thought out of my head. For one thing, he is still Lylac's ex. For another, one week ago boys were the last thing on my mind, but now I also have Nigel to think about, even though it's the worst timing imaginable.

"This is the Domum Sapientiae. Be careful not to touch anything unless I say you can, this place is not designed for living mortals, you technically shouldn't even be here but I think that we can make a special exception this time considering the circumstances." Amy says seriously, before moving further into the landscape. Amy seems much more natural here, moving with a more human bounce instead of the graceful gliding she normally does.

Jay and I exchange a look, then run to keep up with her. She could move fast. "Amy, I'm confused about something. You said you were seven when you died, right? You don't act like you are seven. You use words most seven year olds don't." I say. "Of course, that's not a bad thing. Just curious." I add hastily, not wanting to offend or sound mistrusting.

"When we die, we stay at around the same age we were when we died, same appearance, same clothing, everything." She held up her duck for emphasis. "The same things are important to us too, but we still learn new things. Our personalities stay the same though, for the most part. I died 5 years ago." Her tone clearly suggested that the topic was closed for discussion.

We walk the rest of the way, lost in thought. It makes me sad to think about the fact that Amy still had so much life left to live, so much she should have learned, probably a family who loved her very much. Who knows what she could have become? Maybe she would have colonized Mars, or become the next A-List celebrity. Maybe she would have simply settled down and lived a quiet and content life with a husband, and possibly had children. But the possibilities were stripped from her by the cold grip of death. At least Lylac didn't have the childish innocence that Amy must have had when she died, having to adapt immediately to a whole new world when she was barely starting to understand this one.

I push those thoughts to the back of my mind. Not wanting to think of such dreadful conclusion. Amy leads us down a beautiful scenic path before moving into a stunning orchard garden with a gate and a fountain in the center. Inside a man is watering some flowers his back turned to us.

"Zarra, Jay, this is who we have come to see." The man lifts his head and turns to us. The way Amy spoke about him I had imagined an old man, very Gandalf looking with a long white beard, a robe, and a staff. But to my surprise, he is regular looking middle aged man, starting to age but still has a mostly full head of black hair, and wearing gardening clothes at the moment.

"What is this? I wasn't told there were visitors." He peered at us more closely, squinting. "And living, too. I can see their pulses moving." My hand flew to the pulse in my neck instinctively. Well, that wasn't creepy at all...

"Sorry, Patrem. It is an emergency." Amy quickly filled him in with what was going on, and he listened quietly, face not betraying even a spark of emotion or a reaction.

"Well," He said when she was finished. "That is quite a problem indeed. I'm sorry, I don't think I properly introduced myself. I am the Patrem Sapientem, or Father Wisdom in translation. I oversee the afterlife and work to keep, well, "The Shadows", as many know them, quiet. If they are making their way into the dreams of the still living... Anyways, you're here about your sister?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2016 ⏰

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