Looking for clues

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The next morning, we sit in Jay's car ready to go to where it all ended. Where Lylac died. Where her decaying body once lay; the lake. I now know I am no longer alone in this world. I still feel damaged but not quite so broken. My burden is now shared with Jay. We had left to the car right after talking, and now I sit in the passenger seat ready for Jay to start the car. He hops in and looks at me, studies me.

"What?"  I ask. "Is there a zit on my face? Let's move it."

"I'm sorry, it's just, I never noticed how beautiful you are." He replied, with a mystified tone. I blush and look away.

"Don't! Don't you dare say something like that. You dated my sister, my twin sister whom I look exactly like so of course you'd think I'm beautiful. Wait- is this why you're helping me? So you can replace her with me? Are you using me or helping me?" I say, slightly outraged. Jay leans away from me, wide eyed.

"Woah, I'm sorry. That's not how I meant it at all. I was just trying... you know what? Don't worry about it. We should just get going."  Jay inserts his key in the ignition and turns it, and the sound of the engine fills the car. He steps on the pedal and we zoom down the street in an uncomfortable silence. It becomes a deafening silence, until it is almost unbearable. Finally I speak.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to explode like that on you. I've just been conflicted lately trying to figure out who I am without my sister. And where I stand." I look at the surroundings around us as the car speeds by in a hurry wondering why all this had to happen to me. Why my sister had to lose her life leaving me alone and slowly falling away as my family is torn apart around me. I feel like like running away from this all and never and coming back to this town. All it is is a reminder that she is dead. I can no longer travel with her to the ice cream shop, stay up late sharing secrets with each other, baking in the kitchen or fangirling over a book we read together. She is gone, there is no us anymore. Just me left behind. Alone to fix the problems she left me. Well, maybe not so alone anymore.

"I really am grateful that you are doing this for me." I sigh. "I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders now that you are here."

"Hey, don't worry about it. We are in this together, and we will find out who did this. I wish there was something else I could say to you, but whatever loss I feel it must be ten times stronger for you." Jay takes his hand off the steering wheel and put it in mine. "I'm sorry, this is starting to get cheesy." I don't respond, I just stare ahead. I am so touched that he cares enough about her, and about me, that he would go through all this to find her. Maybe he isn't the shallow player I originally assumed he was. I am starting to see why Lylac liked him. I wonder what-

"OH CRAP!" Jay shrieks. I am startled out of thought, confused, then realize what he had freaked out about.

"SWERVE!" I shout, but it is too late. The car spins out of control and comes to a stop dangerously close to a tree on the side of the highway. This all happens within a timeframe of five seconds. The engine is smoking like crazy.

"No. No, no, no, no, no! Not again. My dad will kill me." Jay shakes his head, annoyed. "Hey, where did she go?" He is referring to the thing that had been in our way, a little girl. I suddenly realize why the girl had looked familiar.

"Jay," I start.

"You can't go!" Comes a familiar child's voice from the backseat of the car. Amy's voice. I jump in my seat and hit my head on the roof.

"Woah! How did you get in here?" Jay cries. He then pales. "Wait... you're the one who was one the road. How did you get in here? Who are you?" We both ignore him for the time being.

"Amy, what are you talking about? We can't go where?" I ask, confused as to why she would care.

"To the swamp! The shadows are overrun there! There's a reason your sister's body ended up in the lake!" Amy exclaims frantically.

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