Back To School

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 I walk in through the front doors of Hollar High for my Grade 12 year, not quite ready for what's behind them, but knowing that gossip gets around fast. And that most of it is about me. As I walk through the halls toward my home room class I clutch my books to my chest and keep my head down, worried about how the school day will go. People point and whisper as I walk by. I know what they are saying, and it's true. It's my fault Lylac is gone. I'm about to reach my first classroom when all of a sudden I'm shoved up against a locker. I look, and see Dhaylin(A.K.A Dhay), Lylac's best-former best friend. I mean, they did anything and everything together. Dhay probably knew Lylac better than I did.

She punches me in the face and says, "It's your fault. She's gone." A kick to the stomach. "You killed her, you should have been watching her for me. Since I wasn't at the party. Used your super twin sense or something." Uppercut to the chin. She would have kept going but Katy came and pulled her off me. 

"Stop! It's not her fault. I-It's mine. I should have kept looking. Helped Zarra find her. Instead I walked away and-" She burst into tears and ran off, followed by a red-faced but now concerned Dhay. Hmph. Figures the girl would be concerned when it's her friend, but me, she beats up. Typical.

When I walk in the door of my class, I'm holding my chin, trying not to make a scene. I figure I'm probably going to get a bruise, I'm just lucky that Dhay doesn't hit very hard. At all. I spot an empty spot in the back corner and race to sit in it, trying to stay hidden from sight, tired of the people pointing and staring at me. The teacher comes in and the teens rush to get to their seats. As I sit in my seat listening to the teacher blabber on about the year, a boy appears in the doorway. Wait a second, the boy is Jay.And he's walking toward me to sit in the empty seat beside me! When he sits down he gives me a warm smile. Upset that this will start some rumors, I roll my eyes at him. Out of all the empty seats he picks the one beside me. For the rest of class I avoid any eye contact or conversation with him. When the bell rings, I'm the first one out of my seat, and I grab my bag and storm out of the class room before he has a chance to say anything. 

For the rest of the day I sit quietly in class blocking out everyone. Come lunch, I'm not ready to sit alone in the lunch room so I bring my food with me and head to the library, finding a comfy spot behind a bookshelf hidden from sight. As I sit there reading a gorgeous boy with messy blond hair and dark blue eyes rounds the corner. He stands there for what seems like hours, taking forever to pick out a book. I sit there staying as quiet as I can, trying not to make eye contact. Finally, he grabs one and starts to walk away. 

'Don't look at me' I think, praying to whatever might be above. I used to be religious, but since the death of Lylac, I've been questioning the existence of a God. What god would let that happen? The boy suddenly turns to me with a flirtatious smile.

"Haven't seen you around here before. I'm new here, it's pretty hard to miss that beautiful face of yours. I'm Nigel." Not wanting to talk, I silently continue to read my book. "Hello? Do you talk? What's your name?"He pesters me for a few minutes. After a while, he starts to look upset, but continues to persist.

Finally, I shout, beyond annoyed. "ZARRA! MY NAME IS ZARRA! NOW CAN YOU PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE? I'M TRYING TO READ HERE!" I clamp a hand over my mouth, remembering that I'm in a library. He stands there for a few seconds and then walks away, just before the librarian comes to kick me out. It doesn't matter, because then the bell rings. I spend the rest of the day in a miserable silence, just wanting to go home.

After school, I'm so relieved to go home. I walk into the parking lot to find Jay standing beside my car, his brown hair beautiful in the sunlight. 

As I walk up he looks at me and says, " I was wondering if you wanted to come to my party on Friday." He says his hazel eyes looking hopeful. 

"I'm busy." I reply. It's not totally a lie. I have plans to gorge myself on cheese and crackers and watch some depressing shows on T.V.

"You have to get your mind off Lylac. What happened, it wasn't your fault. You need to stop blaming yourself. Just one night, to get your mind of things? Please? If not for me, for your sister. She wouldn't want you to act like this." Says Jay.

"I'll think about it." With that, I get into my car and drive off, leaving Jay standing alone in the parking lot.

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