The Fall Out.

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(Row's Out of shower outfit.)

Row's Point Of View.

When I got married I thought it was one of my happiest moments. Things had started to look up in life, My husband was a caring man with a gentle smile, I fell in love instantly. But it seemed like it was all a lie. (Past)

I looked across the hall into the dining room as I heard my husband speak.

"Dawson I know, Row won't find out about me being a mafia boss, we have our inside man and he doesn't even know it, There's no way this will fail."

He lied to me. He played me.

I walked in the dining room gun drawn, I had it pointed at the man I married. He turned when my shoe made a squealing noise on the marble floor.

"Love what are you----"

"Rune Ross Stand up and put your hands behind you back your under arrest for working in and alongside the Mafia."

He stood up and did what I asked of him. I put the first cuff on with no problems & just as I was about to close the other one someone hit me in the back of the head. My body dropped to the floor and my vision started to waver. Black and white dots appeared in my eyes. I heard the cuffs hit the floor & Rune screaming.


" He was cuffing you boss."

"You Were Not Suppose To Hit Him."

Rune started to walk towards and touched my head. I leant into his hand until it hit me, I'm Married TO a Mafia Boss. I felt something wet running down my face, Tears. Oh Right, my heart hurts this love was fake, nothing more than a game.

I tried to stand up, My legs were all wobbly and I had such a bad headache. Rune clearly didn't think there was anything dangerous with the bump on my head, I mean he would know.

I wobbled as far as the living room before I broke down. How did I not see this, I should call the other cops but I couldn't. I Loved Him.

The butler Ryan came into the living room & saw me.

"Master Row are you alright?"

"No, I'm Hurt."

"I will go get Master Rune Right away then."

"No, I'm fine."

He didn't listen. Why would he, though, he probably was in the mafia as well? I got off the floor and ran. I slammed right into his chest, his arms wrapped around me protectively.

"Row lets talk about this."

"No, Let me go & I will leave. You don't need to worry about me saying anything, I don't wish to die."

" Your not leaving, You are my husband & I love----"


I didn't even realise I had slapped him until I felt the burn in my fingertips.

"Screw you Rune, You never loved me. I'm just your inside man."

I pushed myself out of his hands and ran up the stairs, I had enough money to leave but where would I go. Rune was all I had. I felt so betrayed. I ran up to our shared room and into the bathroom, I turned the shower on and I pulled all of my clothing off and stepped into the shower, the spray was still slightly cold.

I sat on the floor of the shower & started to sob. I had a spare gun before I left that bastard that hit me would die. I would make sure of that.

I stepped out of the shower and got dressed, my head was still pounding. It wasn't the first time someone had smashed me in the back of the head, however, it was the first time in my own home.

I pulled my extra gun out from under the pillow after I took a few pain pills. I checked the clip on my gun. Full.

I didn't bother putting shoes on because screw it.

I walked down the stairs quietly and into the dining room, all eyes were on me. There were more people in our dining room than I ever thought possible. I touched my gun that was tucked into my waistband. The guy that I hit me was sitting beside Rune, he had a bruise forming on his cheek, too bad it would never heal.

I pulled the gun out of my waistband and I saw everyone hands move, there was only one person receiving my bullets. Rune was the only one who didn't bother grabbing his gun. Rune shoved the guy in the chair beside him into the middle of the room.



After I shot the guy he slid right out of the chair and onto the floor. Rune stood up and I trained my gun on him, I heard safety's come off a tonne of guns. I put my safety on and pulled the clip out of my gun and dropped it to the ground.

I looked right at Rune.

" I lose my job because of you, expect a bullet to end this. That's a promise Husband."

I was still pissed.

"I'm going now. I might be back."


I heard something being tossed at me. I caught it. Keys. To the red sports car. I left the dining room and went and put shoes on. It was very rare I got to drive the red car. I would take advantage of this.

The car purred to life when I started it. Where would I go now? I wasn't even sure if I would come back. My phone started to buzz.


There's an envelope in the glove box, it contains a key to my house in Green-Brook & a credit card & A passport for you , go ill meet you there in a month, we will talk then. Take care.

Green-brook it is then.

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