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Row P.O.V.

The drive to Green-brook was long and I hated it. I wanted to have my normal pretend life back, it was easier. Rune had asked me to call work & tell them I will be back after a month, however, I called & took six months off. My boss had no problems with me wanting that time off, he said I earned it. Rune also mailed me my gun.

Damn Fucking right I earned it. If anyone said I didn't that would be such a lie.

I was currently laid out on the king-sized bed in the master bedroom. I was only in a grey t-shirt and boxers. The t-shirt smelt just like Rune, it made my heart ache slightly. I also found quite the collection of firearms in a hidden compartment in the closet. Freaking Mafia Bullshit. It really confused me how after all that time I hadn't even the slightest clue about Rune or what he had been up to right under my nose. That bothered me.

I had been here for almost a week and I was bored out of my mind. Rune didn't even call me or try to message me at all, for some reason that stung.

I found tears running down my face yet again, the entire car ride to green-brook I cried. I punched the wall beside me and it didn't even leave a dent, however, my hand felt like it was crushed. I was able to move my fingers so it wasn't broke.

I walked down the hall to the kitchen when there was a loud knock on the door. my gun was in plain view on the countertop of course. It was loaded. I grabbed it just as someone kicked in the door.

I turned the corner and pointed my gun at a fully dressed officer. he looked shocked to see someone here.

" Set the gun down and put your hands in the air, and back away slowly."

" Put your gun down first cop, My name is Row, I'm an officer in Pleasant Hill. I will grab my badge if you move your gun off me."

I dashed and grabbed my badge and brought it back out. I was just about to flip my badge towards him as a bullet flew at my head. I dashed back to the kitchen and hide behind the island. I called rune frantically.

"Hey, Row can I call you----"

" God Damn It, Rune Some Officers Trying To Kill Me."

" Put Me On Speaker Phone NOW."

I clicked the Button and Rune started to yell.

" Officer Jason If you Shoot My husband I'll kill you."

" Sorry Rune, I didn't Know this was your husband." a voice said before someone jumped over the island.

"Officer Jason Ross, Pleasure to meet you, brother-in-law"

" If your an Officer then you know that rune is a Mafia----"

" Yes, I am aware. As I am also a mafia member. Inside man, but I sure you understand being the same---"

"Jason doesn't go there, Row didn't know."




"I'm the only one allowed to kill Rune, our marriage is till death do us part."

That shut both of them up right away. I yawned & walked to get a drink.

" Your hubby's damn cute that round ass and baby barring hips, I'd fuck that,"

"Keep Your Hand Off My Husband, I Kill You!"

I heard rune yell that & It was hard not to laugh.

"Jason Tell Row, I'm On My Way There Now."

"Will do, see you when you get here brother."

I found my hand resting on my heart. He still saw me as his husband, but why? I thought I was just his inside man. I started to feel funny, really funny. My skin seemed to be burning & Lust shot through me straight to my core.

What Drug Did I Come Into Contact with?

Jason walked over and spoke.

"Runes On His Way Here... Oh, Shit Row Are you okay?"

Jason touched my face and I leant into his touch. he pulled away from me and I whined.

"Row, you need to listen to me okay. You came into contact with lust, its a drug the Mafia uses, what all have you done today, what have you eaten?"

"I drank out of the pitcher of water in the fridge."

He walked to the kitchen pulling me behind him, and he sniffed the water.

"Yep, this is laced with Lust."

He touched my hip before he spoke.

"I'm going to help you to bed & then I'm going to call Rune and tell him what happened."

His hand was around my hips as he helped me to the bedroom, his fingertips would brush my hip bone every few steps and I would throw my head back and cry out in pleasure.

Jason tucked me in the bed and then Left. I rubbed my body against the mattress and pillows. The bed smelled heavily of Rune. I tried to touch myself but the pleasure was too much for me.

I ended up just laying in the bed panting. Well, this sucked.

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