Meeting Mama Mafia.

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Row's Suit is a basic black suit, A vest, shirt with a tie, jacket and pants)

Row's P.O.V.

When I finally came off my drug high I felt embarrassed that my husband's mother first met me like that. She thought of me like a cheap whore & frankly I did look like it.

I knew that Rune felt bad that his mother said. He apologized and said that she would love me and if she didn't that was her loss because it was his life.

"Row how are you feeling love?"

"I am still a bit tired but well otherwise." 

" I am glad, I shouldn't have left that in the fridge"

"It's alright, I expected something like that to happen."

Rune didn't look like he liked my answer but it was the truth. I wonder what happened to that  body that was on the dinning room floor when I left.

"Hey babe, what happen to your underling that I killed?"

"I took care of him, why do you ask?"

" I guess I was just wondering. "

Rune yawned and came and hugged me. He kissed my forehead and mumbled something about needing a long nap. I could agree with that. He went to our room first , I took that moment to call my partner.

"Hello this is Paul brown, leave a message & I'll get back to you later ."


" Hello Paul its Row, I'm calling to ask if there is anything I can do to help you guys down at the station well I'm on vacation. "

I hung up the phone and walked to our room. Rune was passed out on the bed, he was still dressed in his full suit. I walked over and shook him awake.

"love you won't be comfortable sleeping in your suit."

Rune Sat up just long enough for me to get his jacket, tie & button up off him. He laid back down and was asleep before I could even get his pants off. I crawled on the bed and grabbed his belt and undid it and tugged his pants off.  After tugging his pants off I noticed the gun in his boxers, there was also a knife tucked in his sock.

I pulled the weapons off him and undressed him. When I was done all he had left on was his boxers. He flipped over and I went with him, he had one of my legs pinned under his. His bare chest was right above me, he moved and tucked his head in my neck and when I thought he was asleep I relaxed only to feel his mouth on my collarbone.

He rolled us both over so that I was sitting on his hips. I leaned down and kissed him hungrily. He sighed and then spoke.

"We have to get dressed at five and go to my cousins for a formal mafia dinner, I wouldn't ask unless you need to come because then you will be safer and my family won't try to kill  you." He said chuckling

I groaned and laid my head on his chest.

"I'm a cop, ill be happy if they don't shoot me on the spot"

"I'd never let that happen , cop or not your my husband"

We laid like that until the very last possible moment. Then he threw me over his shoulder and he walked to the closet. He pulled out a large black suit with a silver tie anthem he pulled out a smaller suit that was slightly different but had a sliver.

I could have dressed myself but Rune dressed me before dressing himself. It felt weird to be in a suit, that last time i wore on was on out wedding night. Rune must have realized the same thing because he chuckled before he said

"The last time i saw you in a suit was our wedding night,"


" Its time to go now."

We rushed out the door and into the red sports car. The car ride was not very long but it was long enough for horrible ideas to rest in my mind.

Would they kill me?

Do they know i am a cop?

Will they torture me?

Will I die tonight....

"We are here, breathe my husband you will survive this night."

Rune got out of the car first and then he opened my door and pulled me out, i hooked my arm threw his. Making sure my gun was still hidden in case this went south tonight. We walked inside and everyone glanced at me. I heard whispers about my being a cop. I knew Rune heard them speak as well because his jaw was twitching, he was angry.

The room was quiet so i took this chance.

"Excuse me, Let me make myself very clear to everyone here. I have no intentions filling any of yous full of bullets. So i would ask that i go home tonight alive. Thanks."

"Good Evening Officer Ross."

I turned and saw Paul my partner, he was here but how, he was married to man too but he played it off that he hated the mafia.

"Paul, What are you---"

" I am here with my husband Roman, He is a mafia boss as well."

"How do you fit in here with them Paul, i am on the edge of my seat so to speak."

"Practice makes perfect."

I saw her walking over. Rune's mother. I tried to hide behind Rune but he pulled me out and slapped my hand lightly before whispering in my ear.

"Show her you belong with me."

She stopped a few feet in front of me and stuck her hand out. My mother raised a gentleman. I took her hand and raised it to my lips kissing it softly and she smiled.

"Hello Rune & Row right?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Drop the Ma'am Call me mom."

"I couldn't do that, i don't feel proper not calling---"

" WE are equals , Please don't make me beg for you to call me mom."

We talked for a bit about the wedding were i said we would have a remarriage because she should be there, she very much agreed. Rune pulled me away from her a little later and got us both drinks, he took a sip from his champagne and then pulled me around almost showing me off. 

AS he raised the glass to his lips i saw the red laser bounce off his glass. My heart spun.



His glass shattered sending glass flying in both Rune & I's faces.

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