The Cop Becomes The Assassin.

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Row's P.O.V. 

I found myself drawing my gun and running after the shooter, Rune was screaming telling me to come back. There was a sniper-rifle laying on the ground, it was recently shot. I saw someone running they were dressed in a suit but it was normal. I ran after them and barely managed to catch up. They saw me and started to fire rounds from a handgun.

I shot one round and i heard a curse, i must have hit them. 

They kept running though. I tried to shoot again but i was knocked down. Someone was trying to punch me. I managed to knee them in the gut and then tried to get them flat down. I heard the shot of the gun before it went threw my left shoulder.

The pain was instant & Oh boy did it hurt.

i had only three bullets left. I misfired one and was left with two. I was shooting with my right hand, i was never really good with shooting with this hand. I took a deep breathe and pulled the trigger. The Man dropped to the ground and then stood back up and limped. There gun was long lost but i wasnt taking any chances as i shot out there other knee.

I walked to the person and pulled them up by their hair.

Wait i knew this person but from where?

This guy was in our home, he was there when i shot that guy for gun butting me. I grabbed him by the hair and drug them back towards the house. Blood was pouring down my left arm. I had to hurry.

I pulled this person right up the stairs and a few other men grabbed him bring him into the ballroom, they tied him to a chair and i heard Rune speak.

"Why did you try to kill me this evening?"

"Why not, your an easy target."

"Why did you try to kill me."

"Because you don't deserve to live Mafia Boss Rune----"



I never even felt my self move or even grab Runes gun but it was in my hand smoking. The words flew out of my mouth before i even realized it.

"Never try to kill my husband, he belongs to me."

I dropped runes gun, I had shot the assassin twice in the head. i winched make both Paul & Rune rush to me. 

"Love you are bleeding let me see."

" Its only a flesh---"

"Row, that bullet went clean threw your shoulder."

" Not the first time" I said mumbling.

"What was that Love?"

" Last year i was shot, in the shoulder, i spent a week in the hospital and lied to you saying i went to Vegas to help with their police force."

"We will take about this later for now this needs to be stitched and looked at."

Rune picked me up and walked me to what looked like a doctors office were someone prepared a needle for numbing and stuff for stitching.

" Doctor Samuel, could we put him out less pain that way."

" I will refuse Rune, Just stitch the wound before i bleed to death."

The doctor stuck me with needle in about four different spot in the wound.


I felt pain, Then i felt nothing. 

I was stitched on the back of my shoulder by Rune and the front by the doctor. Rune was much more softer then the doctor which made me chuckle a bit. After i was given the stitches the doctor gave rune extreme instructions. Then the doctor stuck me with some kind of pain medication that made me feel super funny and i couldn't help but giggle.

"Is he alright?"

"Paul, Paul is that you. Did you see that man, i was all like bang bang and he was toast, Oh toast. Rune can you make me toast when we get home?"

"What did Samuel give him."

" Super high grade liquid pain medication."

" Hey , Heeeeey, Hellooooo."

"Yes Row?"

" Paulie, did you see my husband hes a real looker eh and hes all mine, just between you and i he's hung like a horse. And boy he knows how to use his magic stick. I tell him to tell you all about it but trade secrets."

"Excuse us Paul, Row & I will be taking our leave now."

Rune carried me to the car were i babbled about random things until i fell asleep.  

I was dreaming of Rune Sexing me when i was shaken awake. The sun was shining threw the window and i was in so much fucking pain. Rune was standing there with a syringe full of pain meds. Some of last nights chat with Paul came back to me and i felt so embarrassed.

Rune suddenly pulled me to his chest before he started yelling at me.


" But i'm fine----"


"Shit happens, but i hope not again being shot once was----"

"Explain The First Time You Got Shot Now"

You could have sworn the room got darker and a look of murder was on Runes face.  How would i explain something i lied to him about.

"Well you see.... oh shit i forgot."

"Tell Me"

"Fine. It happened last June when i went after that johnny guy, he pulled a gun out and grazed my shoulder. i lied about it because i didn't want you to worry and make me stop being a cop because its dangerous."

" You can be a cop if you----"

"Can i work with you?"

"Excuse me?"

" Rune i want to work with you, be your mafia wife or husband thing, we could be partners. Call shots together."

"Row No. Not After tonight, and i want you to take a few more months off."

" Yeah about that...."

" What about that?"

" I took six months off."


Rune leaned down and kissed my lips softly before he whispered.

" If anyone is killing you it will be me & i will be dying with you, Row Ross." 

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