Monster in Law

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Mommy is a man just you guys know.  Don't comment asking if Mommy is a boy or a girl because I am telling you now.  Mommy has a Penis!

I sat and listened to my Dad as he proceeded to rant and rave about how I should just stayed living with them. All of this could have been avoided if we had just let him coddle me the rest of my life. He then moved on to the fact that his incompetent sons should have protected his chocolate cupcake better. Mommy just sat in the corner munching on some fries from Five Guys. I got a giant ear full about how after I get released from the hospital I was moving back them and there was nothing that could change that. It was the longest two hour lecture of my life.

"Daddy, it wasn't that big of a deal. The baby is okay and that is all that matters. I am perfectly capable of living on my own and not getting hit by cars again." I smiled a little.

"Nope, not risking it! For we know it could have been the harlot that your cheating husband slept with." Daddy argued.

Mommy got up and wrapped his hands around Daddy's waist from behind. You could see him visibly calm down. They were the cutest couple ever. They have been together since middle school. Through thick and thin, nothing could tear them apart. I thought me and Tyler had that kind of relationship.

"Sweetheart, do you really think that Taylor moving back in with us is the best idea? He is an adult that can make adult decisions. You can not be there to protect him all the time, you can only be there to comfort him when he is hurt. There maybe times you can step up and be super Dad, but now is not one of those times. We can only be here and help Taylor with whatever he decides to do." Mommy explained in his motherly tone.

Daddy started to pout at the fact that Mom was right. Ever since they adopted me Daddy has been nothing, but over protective. He raised my brothers to be over protective of me too. I put the spoil in spoiled with the amount of stuff Daddy gave me. I always had the second biggest room, the most amount of clothes, the latest technology, and fanciest car. Of course my brothers got the same things only later on. They never complained because they would spoil me too. Every pay check they got from working was like who could get Taylor the best gift. Whenever I didn't want their gifts because it was too much they would pretend like I had hurt their feelings. I hated seeing them cry because of me, so I took the gifts. Mommy would just laugh and crack jokes about how I was stealing all the attention. Mommy was the only one that didn't spoil me with gifts. We would cook together, got out to eat, have movie nights, and spa days together.

"You never let me do what I want. Why do have to crush all my hopes and dreams?" Daddy began to cry real tears.

Daddy was an actor, so he was really good at being dramatic. Which is why I still fell for it.

"No one is trying to crush your hopes and dreams. I will move back in if you stop crying, please." I gave in hoping he would stop.

Daddy stopped crying and smiled real big.

"Alright, I will get the movers on the phone. I think we should get a bigger house with more backyard space for when the little one is born. Oh, and I should also call that one preschool and see if we could get wait listed until the baby is old enough." Daddy began to ramble.

Mommy had moved back into the corner rolling his eyes at everything Daddy was saying. I might as well be a pushover.

"Chocolate cupcake give me your phone." Daddy said suddenly.

"Why? " I asked fearing the worst.

"So, I can call those man-children you call brothers. I just know they won't answer my calls."

I handed him my phone and he leaves the room.

"If you keep letting him baby you he will never stop. " Mommy said out of nowhere.

"I know, but it is so hard not to. He knows how to make me give in." I whined.

"Of coarse he does, makes it his job to know. It is your job not to give, in be stronger. You can't always make people happy. "

"I know one day I am going to have to tell him no. "

"Do it on a day I am not around, but record it. I want to see his face. "

Mommy and me started laughing. I could just imagine his face when I say no. He would probably flip out thinking the world has poisoned me or something. Daddy walks back into the room.

"Your brothers are going to start packing up your stuff. I am going to be looking at a few listing I just found. I will be back in a few hours. Love the both of you very much! "

Daddy rushed out of the room. I rolled my eyes. He is so impatient.

"You okay being alone for a little while. I want to go get some food. We both know that this will be the most boring two hours without food. "

"Daddy said he would be gone a few hours. "

"Yeah right! Guaranteed he already has a house picked out and is just out to pick furniture and final touches on things. "

Now that I thought about it Daddy probably was just at this new house telling movers where to put stuff. He never came unprepared for anything. Like the time we went on a cruise and Daddy brought his own life raft and satellite phone.

"Your right. Go ahead. I will just find a comfortable way to lay will you are gone."

"Alright. Try not to hurt yourself while I'm gone. "

Mommy walked out of the room. Gosh I hope he brings back some Chipotle.

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