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We do things which we never intend to do it is just we are curious to know what is store for us in future......

Naina's POV

"I cannot believe that all of this is happening to me. I mean why me every time?? I groaned the moment I opened my eyes and everything that happened yesterday flashed back all of a sudden.

From the past two days, Kabir did not try to contact me and my parents were also behaving as if nothing happened. I know they are up to something, I know they cooking something behind my back and the worst part of it all is I have to figure it out what it is that they are hiding from me!

Just when I was busy planning out what should I do next, my eyes fell on the calendar and I couldn't believe it was 12th October already! A smile found its way on my lips and I couldn't help but welcome it.

Well, today my brother is coming home so I decided to keep all the tension aside as my only sibling and one person in this whole world whom I love so much is coming.

Yes, my brother, my stupid big brother is coming today from the USA and I am grinning like an idiot firstly because I am going to see him after almost 1 year and secondly I knew he will definitely help me in finding who the hell is this Kabir.

Even his name irritates me. And my parents want me to spend my whole life with him. But you know what this is so not gonna happen. Just wait and watch mom, dad...

I was brought back to reality by the doorbell which was ringing like that person is going to break it. I smiled knowing who it was and went to open the door.

And there stood my Big brother Aditya in his all glory. I just stood there like an idiot and before I knew it I was in arms safe and secure. He literally had spoiled me a lot. Our brother-sister moment was disturbed soon because my mom wanted to see her son. I thought sarcastically but didn't dare to say anything. Stepping aside I let my mother caress my brother's face with so much affection that for a moment I felt jealous...

I never got this much affection in my childhood from anybody in my family except from my brother. I am glad they didn't do anything to get rid of me after I was born. But now I am truly happy that my brother is here with me and I seriously don't want to ponder over something which will do nothing but spoil which is left.

We didn't know when that whole day was gone and before I knew it, it was our dinner time. After a long time, we were eating together as a family.

Suddenly my father started making conversation with me which was ironical because they hardly care about me when my brother is home.

"So Naina did you talked to him?" He asked casually.

What a great time to talk about him! I know whom he is talking about. Damn!!

"Yes dad day before yesterday we talked through messages and we have not talked since then" I replied him. I don't know why I added that last part. Should have kept my silly mouth shut. Urghh!!!!

"What are your plans Naina? What do you want right now from your life? As your mom and I surely know what we want." He said to me nonchalantly. That did it, his lackadaisical behavior towards me and his look shook every vein in me!

"Dad I have already told you both about my plans but even after that if you want me to settle down and get married then I don't guess I have many options left with me. I have to agree!!" I replied rolling my eyes, frustration was clear in my tone.

To my surprise, my brother was just listening to all this bullshit. Seriously bhai you don't have anything to say? I was angry and was furious when suddenly my mom gave me something in a Brown color envelope. I was confused and shocked. My mother saw my reaction and told me that there is a photograph of Kabir and wants me to look at it. I don't know why in the era of the internet both of our parents are giving us each other photographs where they can just WhatsApp us but this thought was my least tension apparently I have to handle some big issues!

I was surprised and then again she said," it's ok you don't have to open it right now in front of us you can see it whenever you want. We understand Naina" was all she said.

I was in complete shock. Here I was trying to figure out how to get his photo and more like planning and here it is in my own hands without making any efforts.

After dinner was done My brother came to me and said he wanted to talk to me. So I dutifully followed him in the lawn outside our house.

"Look Naina, don't get mad but I knew about Kabir. He is my friend's brother. And I kind of suggested him for you when mom was talking to me once about you and your marriage but I genuinely never knew that it will happen too soon" my brother said and was looking towards the ground, maybe feeling ashamed. Yes, probably he should feel ashamed for ruining my life. At that moment more than anything, I felt betrayed, a part of me broke listening to all of this. I expected better from you I wanted to say but I couldn't bring myself to say a single word. Just stood there with tears brimming my eyes but I didn't let them fall, not now, not here... I was not feeling anything. So I just nodded and went to my room locking it and let my silent tears fall clutching the envelope close to my heart contemplating whether I should open it or not...

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