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And just when you think everything is going to be okay an apocalypse hit you hard...

Naina's POV

Ride towards the hospital was silent. I didn't try to say anything, more or less I didn't even have anything to say. I was just reeling everything in my mind about what exactly happened today and was already feeling pathetic about what I had done this time. My mistake is unforgivable! and I was dreading facing my father already!

The moment we reached hospital without wasting any more time I rush to my father who was looking tired and exhausted. I hugged him and after so many years he hugged me back and said," Thank God you are okay beta. Where were you ha? You were not even picking our phone. You have no idea what we have been through in these last twelve hours!" his voice cracked at the end and I couldn't control my tears and started sobbing in my dad's arms.

"Oh, Dad I am extremely sorry. I don't know what happened to me. I promise you this will never ever happen again. Because of me, mom is here and because of me, you all are suffering. I promise you today I will do everything that you and mom want me to do just forgive me this time? "I pleaded.

"Naina hush honey it's okay. It was supposed to happen, don't overthink this and relax. Your mom will be fine! Doctor just told us that she is now out of danger. We just have to be a little careful. We need to make sure that she doesn't take stress of anything. Now go and meet her. Don't worry she is okay now." My father said feeling relieved.

I was standing outside my mom's room and was scared like hell! Thinking whether should I go or not.

"Just go Naina face this." My subconscious snapped at me. I opened the door and saw my mother lying on the bed. She was looking pale and full of stress. It pinched me a lot to know that I am the reason that she is lying here and going through all of this. I made my way towards my mother and sat on the stool which was lying close to her bed. When I looked at her my eyes glistened seeing all the machines connected to her arms and oxygen mask was also there covering half of her face. I felt guilty was an understatement, in fact, I felt horrible! I took my mom's hand in my own again I couldn't stop myself from crying, suddenly my mom clutched my hand tightly and opened her eyes slowly and said, " oh honey you are safe and back. I am so glad to see that you are here with me. I know I am not a good mom but still, I love both my children from the bottom of my heart!"

"I know this mom more than you know. Today I am realizing even the thought of losing you makes me sick and I am not ready to take this much pain mom. I don't want to lose you ever!" I said and we both started crying. This was the first time I said something like this to her. Yes today indeed I realized no matter whether I love her or not I am still not ready to lose her, not now or ever.

"Naina will you be able to promise me something without any arguments and questions." My mom asked me and somehow I know what she wants to say so I signaled her to continue.

She sighed and took my hand in hers and said "I want you to marry Kabir in three weeks. I know what you feel about marriage Naina but not every marriage turns out to be like your parent's marriage right! I never tried to run from all this because I had nowhere to go. I know what we both did to you is something unforgivable but trust me Kabir is a nice guy and the moment Aditya told me about him I knew he is the one for you! Give your relationship some time. Build your relation on faith and trust. Everything will work out on its own Naina. Tell me what you have to say?"

I couldn't find words at this moment. Everything just stopped. It was hard for me to believe that even at this point of time she can say this to me, my own mother can do this to me. And knowing that she is not well and she should not take stress about anything I wasn't left with many options so I did what I could.

"Okay mom now everything will happen the way you want it to happen and I promise you I will not interfere or do anything stupid. If you and dad want me to marry Kabir in three weeks then it is done and final."I said forcing a smile and stood up to leave. Just when I was about to exit she said "thank you so much beta. Thank you. Never give up on this relation okay?"

I nodded and left!!!

My whole world started crumbling in front of me and I couldn't do anything to save myself from it. I felt numb to every emotion right now and then my brother came to me and said, "How is she? I just came to know that now she is out of danger and she will be discharged soon!" he said to me all the way smiling. He was sounding so relieved and happy!!

I couldn't pay attention to anything that he was saying. I was lost in my own world. All I could do was stand like a mannequin and nodded as and when it was required. I throttled my every dream and sacrificed everything for someone I don't even know yet. I tried to find one positive thing in all of this but couldn't find any. I sighed deeply and closed my eyes for a moment.

You shouldn't try to control your life and let it unfurl itself the way it is supposed to. Maybe because I tried to control it, I have to pay a price for it too. My father forced me to go home and take some rest. I tried to protest but Aditya Bhai forced me to go home have some rest as according to them I had a long day today. Very true I thought and left the hospital thinking everything happens for a good reason.

The moment I reached my home I went to my room changed into my night clothes and went straight to sleep, thinking about the coming days...

This is how life changes in a single moment. Naina's whole life will change the moment she promised her mom but she doesn't know whether her life is changing for good or for bad. Let's see what good reason she finds out in all this. And not to forget what will happen when Kabir gets to know about all this. More importantly that he is going to get married in three weeks...

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