CHAPTER 1 :innocence

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I DO NOT OWN THIS STORY , its creator is VanitasRyuzaki please visit their fanfiction bio for more brilliant work .

Angel of Mine Chapter 1: Innocence,

Big lilac eyes gazed into the soft pale blue eye of Toga Yagari. Silver baby soft hair was lovingly brushed back by the older vampire hunter and the small
bundle he held in his arms smiled innocently at him, dimples fairly visible on both ends of the little toddler's lips. Yagari smiled warmly at the tiny silverette in his arms as small hands played with his long wavy, jet-black hair. "I'll never let anyone hurt you...Zero." Upon hearing his name, Zero's soft lavender eyes stared happily at his sensei before his small hand lightly caressed the eye patch over Yagari's right eye. "Don't worry about it. It wasn't your fault." Yagari wasn't quite fond of children, but the small silver haired 3 year-old was an exception. 

Zero Kiryuu was one of his most skilled and strongest hunters; however, the battle against Rido had left Zero under a spell before the menacing vampire turned to ashes. Rido Kuran cursed the young hunter, changing the 18 year-old silverette into a 3 year-old toddler before being killed with Zero's main weapon, Bloody Rose, an anti-vampire gun containing great power when in the right hands. "I'll find a way to change you back, Zero." The little child in Yagari's arms gazed at him with such
innocence it could melt anyone's cold heart.

This tiny Zero Kiryuu was oblivious as to what Yagari meant, so innocent and pure, it made the older hunter's heart ache. Toga Yagari promised his uncle, Kaien Cross, that he would protect the small child with his life, but sadly he could not prevent the
spell from cursing his young apprentice. With much grief, Yagari took in the adorable child as his own son after Cross could not care for the toddler, due to the matter of keeping the academy under control and the night class in line.

In order to care for the child properly, Yagari took it upon himself to accept the offer of being the Night Class's new Ethnics teacher, it was the only way he could take care of Zero properly if he was to find a cure for the curse laid upon the innocent silverette.

Zero wondered the empty classroom in interest. His foster father had told him it would soon be filled with strong auras and for him not to be afraid.

Yagari had feared Zero would cry at the presence of all the vampires in the room when it was time for class exchange, but the tiny hunter had become fairly oblivious to the scent and merely sat on the stage playing with various toys he had bought for the small babe before arriving. "Greetings. Master Yagari." Zero looked curiously at the doorway and saw a beautiful female with waist-length pale brown hair and brown eyes several shades darker than her flowing locks. He watched in awe as the girl gracefully carried herself into the classroom and behind her followed several other students who were just as beautiful, but one student in particular caught his full attention. The student was a gorgeous male with shoulder-length, luscious reddish-
brown hair and wine red eyes. Zero rushed to Yagari's side, tugging on the older man's pant leg, upon gaining his foster father's attention, he raised his arms to Yagari, begging the man to carry him in his arms. With a soft smile, Yagari plucked the tiny child from the floor and held him against his chest as the Night Class calmly took their seats.

"Daddy, who that?" Zero asked, gesturing to the youthful looking vampire he had undeniably found enchanting. "Kaname Kuran." Confirmed Yagari, adjusting his hold on Zero's tiny body to carry him properly in one arm around his back while Zero's legs pressed tightly against his firm hips. "President of the Night Class and apparently one of Cross's favorites." He added bitterly, noticing the way Kaname
eyed Zero. "Stay away from him, Zero." Yagari whispered in Zero's puny ear as he watched the pureblood cautiously from where he stood at the front of the class.

Kaname watched Yagari speak softly to the small child in his arms. "The resemblance is greatly similar, this child truly Zero Kiryuu?" He thought to himself. Kaname had to admit the 3 year-old very much looked like Zero, only this was an innocent child. The same silver-white hair, pale lilac eyes,and pale cream skin, and the tattoo on the left of his neck was greatly similar. He puzzled and puzzled, his garnet eyes never leaving the adorable child in Yagari's arms. Kaname observed the manner in which Yagari handled the child, carefully and lovingly, smiling warmly at the small angel contently, there was no doubt that the 3 year-old was indeed Zero since he constantly caught the lilac eyed child gazing at him from the safety of Yagari's
embrace. "One question and what caused him to become a small child, a child of a tender age of 3 no less." He mused, but decided to
press the matter aside until the end of class.

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