.Chapter Twelve.

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A/N: Thank y'all so so so much for getting me to 2k! This is amazing! I'm only at Chapter Twelve. Holy shite! This is a 'thank you' chapter featuring a little Larry date. Hope you enjoy! (Tommy is played by Tommy Joe Ratcliff because he is amazayn)

"I was actually hoping you could come over. We can go into town and catch dinner or something. I haven't seen you in nearly a week,"

Louis rubs his thumb over his bottom lip, collecting what small amount of saliva resides there.

Harry smiles wide, rolling over onto his stomach. The sheets and blankets follow him, wrapping him in a soft fluffy roll. "Sure, Daddy," he giggles. "When should I be ready?"

"I'll just pick you up at the pack house. I don't need my baby walking very much, especially when he's sick," Harry can practically see the pout on his pretty pink lips.

He blushes. "I'm not sick!"

"So you're feeling better, I presume," the alpha smiles, sucking his bottom lip in between his teeth as he leans back in the large, executive chair.

"Much. I don't think I was really ever sick. I was probably just really tired, you know how when you stay up too late and you get nauseous?" Harry points out.

Louis huffs. "Whatever, princess. I will just change and head on over."

Harry squeaks, rolling straight over the edge of the bed. He lands with a thud onto the floor. "N-now?"

Louis chuckles. "Yes, princess. Be ready."

"B-but where are you taking me? What should I wear?" Harry scrambles from his spot on his fluffy pink rug, leaving his blankets and sheets in a rumpled pile on the floor. He slips, the socks on his feet too big, and lands in front of his mirror. His eyes widen at his reflection, smacking himself softly to get a bit of color into his cheeks.

Louis continued chuckling, shaking his head. "Darling, just wear whatever you usually do. You always look ravishing."

And if that didn't bring a bit of color onto Harry's cheeks, than he's straight. He giggles childishly. "Alright." He then nods, rubbing his hands up and down his covered arms. "C-can you bring one of your sweaters?"

Louis smiles on the line, standing up. "Of course, baby. Just don't stress too much. I don't need you really getting sick."

"You're such a worrywart!" Harry giggled, covering his mouth with his hand. "I'm completely fine, Daddy. I feel amazing, more so now that I'm about to see you."

Louis chuckles. "Darling, you know much I hate it when you cover your mouth when you giggle. I love it, I want to hear you giggle like that all the time."

Harry giggles uncontrollably. "Daddy!!" He squealed.  "I'll have to call you back. Call me when you get here," Harry whispers, waiting for the alpha to say something before just hanging up because the last time he did that, he couldn't sit down for 24 hours.

Louis sighs. "All right, baby. Just be ready and careful when you walk in the dark."

After they had exchanged departures, Harry hung up, laying his phone facedown on his dresser. He quickly rushed to his closet, pulling out a random pair of jeans and a top from the hanger. He buttoned up the blouse while swiftly (swiftly, as in tripping over everything he owned) traveled back to his mirror over his dresser, leaving the last three buttons flared out.

His hands clasped the cool material of his metal brush, running the bristles through his long, dark locks.

He opens the top drawer of his dresser, reaching past all the clothing items to his special box. When the wood is brought out of its dark hole, he sighs, laying it gently on the dresser.

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