Chapter Three; The Universe

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I couldn't stop thinking of Oliver.

I was amazed at his uniqueness. His eyes that begged to be stared into, his hands that called for me to hold them, his lips taunted me as I wondered what they'd feel like.

Now look at me. A Greaser dreaming of a Soc. And a male Soc none the less. Luciano would string me by my neck. He'd swear in his language I didn't know and curse my existence. Lutz would do the same. Damning me to hell. Or worse he'd beat me till I wished I were.

I couldn't focus on my schoolwork. Graduation was coming faster than a Soc's Mustang and I couldn't stall it. And here I was daydreaming about a broad I couldn't have.


Work was no better. I couldn't focus on the mess of metal before me. I dropped my tools who knows how many times. My mind went to Oliver instead of cars. I got so flustered I took my break early. I walked across the street and kicked a coke can, taking my frustration out on the trash. I sighed and lit a cig. My mind still clouded with thoughts of Oliver.


I looked to see Lutz walk over. I let a puff of smoke seep through my lips as my closest thing to a friend walked up to me.

"Need a smoke?" I ask. Lutz takes one of the cancer sticks as I flick my lighter for him. He takes a drag and let's the poisonous air take its effect before it was leaving his lips just the same.

"I heard you got in a fight with some Soc's yesterday." He said taking another drag of poison. I shrugged, trying not to give off the worries I had. Hopefully he didn't know why I got in the fight.

"Yeah. Wasn't much of a fight. More like a threat." I threw the butt of my cig to the ground. Letting it mingle with the beer glass and other cigarette butts. I stomped it out. 

"Yeah, well they dropped off a car. Wanna mess with their gauges?" Lutz asked. I laughed.

"Last time we did that I got pulled into a huge rumble. I'd like to be able to walk across stage to get my diploma Lutz." I joked.

"You're serious bout that? I don't think Luciano is gettin' his." Lutz said. I shook my head.

"Nah, Kyo's been taking his tests since second quarter. He's got straight A's. Lucky bastard." I mumbled. Lutz shrugged.

"Well, we better finish our shift or you'll be evicted by graduation." He said, throwing his cigarette butt beside mine. Stomping it out with his heavy boots.

"Yeah. I gotta finish the transmission on another Soc car. You know how that is." I said rolling my eyes. Lutz laughed and shook his head.

"You filthy Greasers! Fix my car or I'll have my dad will sue!" Lutz said, impersonating a Soc. I laughed as we entered the garage. My mind sidetracked for the time being.



I fell over the chain link fence. Landing on a pile of scrap metal. I quickly stood and brushed myself off. Straightening my leather jacket as I walked to the spot I fist saw Oliver. It sat in the middle of the Lot. A clear veiw of the gate I forgot you could slip through.

A figure slipped through. The night concealed them perfectly as they walked towards where I stood.

I hid behind a car. Debating whether or not the figure was Ollie.

"(M/N)? Are you here?" I peered over the car. Surprisingly the Soc didn't stand me up. I stood from my spot. My heart racing as Oliver smiled.

"I thought you were gonna ditch me." Oliver said. I laughed a bit.

"I thought you'd ditch me. Guess we're both surprised." I said. Oliver smiled and sat on the hood of the car I was previously hiding behind.

"So," he started.

"So." I said in return. Oliver smiled and laughed a bit. I smiled too feeling his laughter was infectious.

"Tell me about yourself (M/N)." Oliver said. I shrugged.

"There's nothing much to tell," I sighed," I live in a house all on my own. My folks walked out on me when I was fourteen. And I work at Beilschmidt Mechanics to pay the bills." I said. Oliver shook his head.

"(M/N) that's not you." He said.

"Sure, that's your life. But your lifestyle isn't really you. I want to know what you like, what you don't. I wanna know who you are outside of your Greaser look at work and school." He said. I blinked in surprise. No ones ever wanted to know me like that. Broads usually only cared about the money I made, if I had a car, and if I lived with my parents. And we never got closer than just a first name basis.

I thought a moment.

"I like stars." I said. Oliver nodded listening to what I said.

"I used to try and count them every night as a kid. When my mom and dad went to sleep and the house was quiet. I could slip out onto the roof and study the constellations. I don't remember all of them. But every now and again I still slip onto the roof. And I try and remember those days. Before they left me. Before I had to grow up so fast..." I trailed. What was I doing? I never talked like this. Lutz and Luciano would laugh if they heard me blabbing like this.

"What else?" Oliver asked. I shrugged.

"I guess I hate workin on cars. I only took the job to pay the bills and hang around Lutz." I said. Oliver nodded in an understanding fashion.

"I work at Kirklands Candy. I like it there. But I'm more partial to baking. Mum and Dad didnt know until they asked what I wanted to be. But they don't know a lot bout me." He smiled. I returned it.

"I bet you're a good baker." I said. Oliver laughed.

"I do make a mean cupcake now and then. I'll have to bring you one sometime." He said. I nodded.

"I'd enjoy that Ollie." I smiled. He rolled his eyes.

"My name is Oliver. Not Ollie (M/N)." He chuckled. I shrugged.

"Well I'm gonna call you Ollie. I think it's cute. So, it suits you." I said. I blinked in realization as I blushed madly. I just called him cute... Damn I messed up.

Oliver looked around a bit before his eyes went to the sky.

"T-The stars are really pretty tonight a-aren't they?" He said. I looked up. The balls of gas burning brighter than Hell's inferno. I nodded. My eyes traced out the constellations. Which I only remembered a few of. Orion's Belt, The Big Dipper, The Little Dipper, a few of the zodiacs. The stars always had my attention. They always seemed so close, even when they burned millions of light years away.

"Yeah. They're real pretty aren't they?" I said, looking over to the Soc. He looked over and stared a moment. A pink hue bloomed across his freckled cheeks before he looked away. He folded his hands in his lap, playing with his fingers in a nervous fashion.

"Y-yeah. R-real pretty." He stuttered. I walked over and sat beside him. He looked up at the sky again. The moon reflecting in his blue eyes just right, the stars dancing in his eyes just the same.

He looked away from the night and I still felt I could see the universe in his eyes.

My universe. Where I wanted to get lost in a space of blue and stars of pink. That universe was sparking something new and daring inside me. My heart raced. I wanted to explore the universe staring back at me.

And I leaned forward.

And the universe never felt so good against my lips.

Did I fuck up or nah?

Idk if you guys like this Shiz but I had work today so sorry for the late update.

Do tell if I'm fucking up the story.

Next part should be up tomorrow.

Love you all,

The Greaser and The Soc, A M!Reader x 2p! England Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now