Chapter Eight; Queer Query

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I stood in front of my mirror trying to ease my nerves, I sighed for the umpteenth time. My mind racing, I finally left. Starting towards the lot.

I pat my pockets being sure I had the gift. I felt the box in my pocket and breathed a sigh of relief. Looking around I pulled my black leather jacket closer as my beat up converse cracked over broken bottles of booze thrown by Soc's that drove by earlier this night.

I reached into my jacket pocket pulling out a pack of cigarettes. Taking one out and lighting in, feeling the nerves of today's work day and the new decision I was making. They melt away as I walked on. The cig between my lips looked like a firefly in the darkness as I walked on to where I'd meet him.

I came upon the lot, slipping through the gate for the millionth time. I looked to the car I first met my boyfriend at.

"Ollie?" I called out, just above a whisper. I took a drag of my cigarette.

It's been about eight months since our one year anniversary. I told Ollie I had a surprise yesterday. He was ecstatic saying he was excited to see me the next day. Even saying he'd bring a bag of (favorite candy) from his family's sweet store off main. Where they've had more that a fair share of poisonings. But he promised to get me the good ones.

I ran my fingers over the box in my pocket. I've been working overtime at the car shop for weeks to get it. My heart was beating fast as the idea of him saying no crossed my mind.

No. Ollie wouldn't. He adored me as much as I did him. I sighed again and took another drag of my cigarette before throwing it to the dirt stomping out the flame.

"Ollie where are ya?" I called out. I ran a hand through my hair. My nerves getting the best of me.

"Ollie Boy where are ya?" I called out again.

A noise cut me off. The sound of footsteps sounded through the crisp spring air.

I ducked behind a car peering over the hood. A figure passed through the slot between the gates that were bound by a lousy lock. The space between the two doors was just enough for a person to slip through. They walked around to the middle of the junkyard about three yards from the car I hid behind.

"(M/N)? Are you here?" I smiled to myself. I stood from my spot and snuck behind my Ollie quickly snatching him up making his squeal.

"Aha! There ya are!" I laughed. Ollie began laughing, kicking slightly as I swing him around causing him to drop whatever he was holding, and messing up his sweater and dress shirt combo in the process.

"(M/N) (L/N)! Put me down right now!" He laughed. I chuckled a bit and finally set him down laughing as he turned around smiling brightly in the moonlight.

"There you are." He whispered with a smile reaching on his tip-toes to press a sweet kiss to my lips.

"Ollie I missed you ya know?" I asked. Oliver nodded hugging my arm affectionately. I chuckled and pressed a kiss to the crown of his pink locks.

"I missed you too (M/N)." He said looking up with his big ole blue eyes. He detached himself from me for a moment and picked up what he dropped.

"(Favorite candy) just as promised Poppet." He smiled I took the small plastic bag and popped one of the sweets in my mouth smiling down at my Soc.

"Thank you Doll." I said leaning down and pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. He smiled and hugged my arm again.

"What do you wanna do?" He asked.

I looked over at the radio is brought from my home and back to Ollie.

"Why don't we lay on the hood and listen to some tunes? Hm?" I asked. Oliver nodded and walked over to the car I was hiding behind. I went to the radio and tuned it into a pop station that was playing a relatively slow song at the time. I smiled and jumped on the hood next to Ollie.

I lay on the hood as Oliver curled into me resting on my arm as we looked up.

My eyes scanned the stars for a little while Ollie's did the same. I looked down at the pink haired boy beside me popping another (favorite candy) in my mouth as we lay on the hood in silence.

I thought for a while. Mustering the courage to just ask him. I wanted to do it tonight. If I waited one more day I'd go insane.

"Oliver?" I asked. He looked over to me his brows furrowed.

"Is everything alright? You never call me Oliver." He asked sitting up. I chuckled sitting up next to him.

"Of course Doll, everything is fine. Well-" I paused pulling him off the hood of the car. I stood him right in front of the car just as the perfect slow song started.

I held Oliver's hands. Fearing what I did next may drive him away.

"Listen... Oliver, I've been head over heels in love with you ever since you said yes to going out with a greaser like me. "
"Every now and then I get a little bit lonely, but you're always here, every night. And I can always count on seeing you before I go home, forced to pretend I hate you." I said Oliver looked more confused than ever, but nodded, urging me to go on.

"Now I know I'm no Prince Charming. And I ain't got the most money, the handsomest mug, or a dollop of fame. And I know I'm not the Soc or girl your parents would want me to be." I said Ollie was tearing up, I'm sure I was too.

I went down on one knee letting go of his hands, Oliver gasped as I brought my gift out from my jacket.

"Oliver Kirkland would you please do me the honor of marrying me?" I asked. Oliver's eyes were wide, with tears pouring down his freckled cheeks.

He nodded.

"Of course (M/N). Without a doubt." He sobbed. I stood and enveloped him in a hug. Slipping the ring I spent months working for on his ring finger.

"H-how could you afford this?" He asked. I pressed a kiss to his lips and replied.

"I just worked extra hours and sold my piece." I said. Oliver's eyes widened.

"You sold your knife? (M/N) you idiot." He scolded. I shrugged.

"I may be an idiot," I said reaching his hand I smiled, "But I'm your idiot," I squeezed his hand lightly, "forever."

The next part will be up later tonight!

Love y'all,

The Greaser and The Soc, A M!Reader x 2p! England Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now