Chapter Two; Nice To Meet You Ollie

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The guy looked at me weird as he stood, brushing dust off his dress pants. They were covered in dirt. Not like I was one to judge. I was permanently stained with motor oil and grease. I ran a hand through my hair the (h/c) strands only falling back into place after.

"If you're gonna tease me save it. I've heard enough for one day." He said glumly. The expression didn't match him. He didn't look like the kind of guy to be sad all the time.

"I was just gonna make sure you were okay." I said. The guy looked at me and shook his head.

"You're a Greaser. So what do you care..." He mumbled. I bit my lip. I was suddenly ashamed of the role I was given in life. I was just a kid that lived in a crappy house in Greaser territory. That worked everyday so I could pay the bills and nothing else. Sliding through school with the bare minimum.

"I'm still human. And you are too," I started, "humans usually look out for other humans. But I guess Soc's 'n Greaser's are that different." I said. I started off back to the fence where I jumped when suddenly I felt a tug on my jacket. I turned and saw the guy.

"I...," the words died at his lips as he looked at me, then set his eyes downcast. Letting go of my jacket.

"I'm sorry... U-Usually guys like you beat me up for my uh... P-preference." He stuttered. I shrugged.

"You ain't the only Queer in town kid. 'N what's the difference? People are people. Nothin's wrong with liking guys." I said. He looked up. And I saw a glimmer of hope in his blue eyes.

I felt my heart race. Not in a fearful way like I'd experienced before, but in a good way. I felt like this kid was important. And I wanted to protect him. I shook the thought from my mind. I can't protect a Soc. It'd ruin my rep and I couldn't loose that. It was all I really had.

"What's your name?" He asked. I was getting too nervous. So I brought out my pack of cigarettes tapping the box against my hand.

"(M/N). You?" I asked. I took a cigarette from its box and balanced it between my teeth. I lit the sucker and took a long drag. My nerves melting as the cancer stick took its effect.

"Oliver." He said. I nodded.

"Nice to meet you Ollie. You smoke?" I ask. He shook his head.

"It's Oliver. And no I don't." He said, and for emphasizing his name.

"Good. Don't. It's not a habit you wanna pick up." I said making a smoke ring. He furrowed his brows.

"Well aren't you a hypocrite." He laughed. The sound suited him. I smiled in return.

"Everyone's got their quirks. Mine just happens to be hypocritically smoking, and being the gay kid." I said. Oliver's eyes snapped to meet mine.

"Wait. You're?"

"Yup. Not every queer is a pink pansy like you." I said laughing to myself. He gave a pout and crossed his arms.

"Sorry I look better in pink than you." He said. I laughed and looked up at the darkening sky. Oliver laughed along with me and I found he wasn't all that bad. I finished my cigarette and threw the butt to the ground stomping it out.

"It's getting late Oliver. And I have a final tomorrow. So, I guess this is goodbye." I said. Oliver's eyes widened in fear.

"B-but what is those guys find me? I-I'm a goner." He said. I let my eyes soften. I didn't want the kid to get beaten up again. He wasn't doing anything wrong. Oliver shook slightly in his spot before me.

"Listen. I'll walk ya home. But I ain't bringin' you to ya door or anythin'." I said, feeling my cheeks go all rosey. Oliver nodded and grabbed my jacket walking me towards the gate. He slid through the chained gate myself following close behind.

What am I doing? I can't go into Soc territory! I'm dead meat if any of those idiots find me.

But I couldn't leave Oliver by himself. I walked beside the kid. He lead me to a small house like any other, though his house looked like a castle compared to mine. I stopped before the driveway, just shy of the veiw of anyone inside. I saw three boys about my age inside. Allan and Matt I think? Well, they wrestled on the couch while Francois, refed. I know Francois graduated last year. Allan and Matt were in my science class and usually ended up breaking something.

I remembered Sophomore year I tossed a steak in the back of Allan's car when he got me detention for supposedly smoking in the men's room. A big no no at World High School.

Which I wasn't stupid enough to do.

Matt was quiet, but strong as hell being he was a hockey player. I remembered rumbling with the guy one time when my gang went against his. He nearly busted my jaw just punching me. So Lutz handled him.

I didn't know Francois too well. All I knew was he liked to drink and loved talking to the broads.

"So, this is home?" I asked. Oliver nodded, looking down to his shoes.

"Yeah," he sighed, I began off towards my house when Oliver spoke up.

"(M-M/N)!" He yelled. I turned to him he stepped forward and gave me a hug. It was the most awkward thing I've been through.

"Thanks for saving my arse back there. I'd like to talk to you again some time." He said letting go and backing away. I blushed and scratched the back of my neck, my mind went blank as I tried to think of something to say.

"You're not like other Greaser's. It's... It's nice to know not all Greaser's are jerks." He said. I blinked in surprise, and smiled to myself.

"I'll meet you at the Car Lot tomorrow after I'm off work at seven if you wanna talk." I said. Oliver smiled as I walked away back downtown. Where I'd walk up my rickety wooden steps, through the creaky screen door that always made a racket in storms. Into the kitchen I never used I'd grab a (pop) from the fridge then go upstairs to fall asleep over boring old homework.
Only to wake up the next morning for my eight hours of hell. And go over to Beilschmidt Mechanics to work for pennies.

Yet for some reason, I was excited for the next day. More excited than I ever was for anything.

The Greaser and The Soc, A M!Reader x 2p! England Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now