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The morning sun shines through as I wake up for the new day. I saw my mum, she wasn't fine. Her face makes her look older as her hair is spread out across the white bed.

Sure she could talk, but she wasn't the same. I kept telling myself that it was her fault, but I knew it was mine.

When she saw me in the coma she snapped. That's right, I was in a coma. Maybe that's why I could see Theo and maybe why I am going crazy. Anyway, she overdosed once again. She holds her chest as the pain it's too much to bare. I guess the drugs suddenly snapped too.

"Hey Ry. Aunt Clare is going to take you to school today, I have to do some.. Things." I tell Ryan while I put on my favourite dark grey jacket.

I walk outside into the fresh air. Walking to the bus station, I remember the leaf. I only have one? Obviously I only have one leaf. What is a leaf going to do anyway? It can't save someone.

My phone constantly vibrates in my pocket, waking me from my thoughts. I answer the phone, remembering this lady's voice from somewhere.

"Hi Bea." The women says sadly. Why was she sad?

"Hello.." I guess she could tell I didn't know who the caller was.

"It's Linda, Theo's mum. He has woken up from his coma and he was asking for you." Her voice sounding more stressed than sad.

"Oh. I'm on my way. Thank-you Linda." With that I put my phone away, back into the pocket of my jeans. I don't think I ever met Theo's mum. I don't think I have ever met his dad either. Come to think of it, I don't think I have ever been to his house.

The bus ride was short. My eyes kept gazing towards to kids with their parents, laughing. Oh how I wish I could laugh.

I enter the big hospital once again and visit his room.

"Um, hey." My voice trails off awkwardly. He isn't connected to as many tubes now.

He looks back at me, staring me in the eyes just like he did in my dream, or whatever that was.

"I'm so sorry Bea. I'm so so sorry." His voice bland but sincere.

"It wasn't your fault Theo. I walked behind yo-" I get cut off by his raspy voice.

"I don't mean that Bea." I continue to glare at him confused. "I'm sorry for giving up my life for you." What?

"What do you mean? You're awake?" I start backing away.

"For now." As I go to ask him another question a doctor comes in. His hair dark, like his skin. His blue uniform standing out. He seems familiar.

"We just need to run a few tests. You can come back later if you want." Hesitantly, I leave. I can't do this anymore! I can't! I need, I need answers!

The cafeteria is close by so I walk towards it hoping to eat myself to death. My black boots banging on the ground, making a noise with every step I take.

With a muffin in one hand and a coffee in the other, I sit down at a table. The table number 98, just like Theo's favourite number. I don't know why it was, it had no meaning to him.

"Hello, can I sit here?" A boy my age sits down without me answering. "Thanks."


"Oh right, I'm Aiden. I'm just visiting my friend who needs help." The teen says.

"I'm Bea. And I'm just leaving." The boy follows me out of the now crowded cafeteria. His feet trying to walk as fast as I.

"I wasn't done talking to you!" He yells as I start running. "Beatrice Peters!" I immediately stop, turning around.

"How do you know my name? Who are you?" I panic.

"Your spirit guide."

"Great, I am going insane." The corridor empty as I start talking like a lunatic. "You're a human!"

"Only you can see me Bea. Look, I am here because you need help. Once you don't need help anymore, I will have fulfilled my job." He walks towards me. An inch away from my face he whispers, "You are my job." in a serious manner. I look away only to look back and see a wall. Aiden is not real Bea.

A nurse walks past, giving me strange looks I smile back.

It's just a dream.


hey guys, new character!

what do you guys think of him, real or fake? 

signing off,


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