Chapter 1 - Sky

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The teenager anxiously paced her bedroom, her thoughts filled with a variety of subjects and emotions. She twisted a strand of her long, fiery red hair around her finger before letting it fall limply to her side, where it curled into its natural waves. She repeated this action several times before she got bored, opting instead to read a book.

Sky placed herself on the sofa in her brand new room before reaching out for a random book to occupy her thoughts. She easily got lost in the story and before she knew it, her mother was shouting at her.

“Sky! You are going to be late young lady!” Sky rolled her eyes at her mother's tone of voice; it was one that was overused a lot in this house. Nevertheless, Sky placed her book down, folding over the corner of her page, promising to herself that she would continue to read it later on. She grabbed her school bag and slung it over her shoulder, before she slowly made her way down the stairs.

Her eyes met those of her mother, who glared at her for a few seconds before turning and opening the front door. In their new car, Rain and Summer were already waiting patiently for their sister to make an appearance. The three siblings would be attending the local secondary school, with Sky joining Year 11, Rain joining Year 13 and Summer joining Year 9.

“Come on, slow coach.” Rain called from the passenger seat, a carefree grin plastered on his face; he was the most easy going out of the three siblings. He always managed to find the positive in something and seemed to live his life with a smile on his face. Sky glowered at her older brother with her deep blue eyes and in response, he laughed, his icy blue eyes lighting up as he chuckled.

Summer sat quietly in the back seat of the car, her face buried in a book. Out of all the three siblings, Summer and Sky were the most similar. Summer often blended into the background, preferring to be a wallflower rather than a lioness. Sky couldn’t blame her sister, often wishing that it was that easy for her to blend in. Unfortunately for her, she was the only member of her immediate family who had inherited her grandmother's crimson hair, making her stand out from the crowd almost instantly. Rain and Summer shared a darkish brown colour, although in the sunlight natural streaks of red were visible.

June, the mother of the three children started the car, which made Sky’s stomach do a back flip. She was the most nervous about starting a new school, the pressure to do well and not to become a failure often feeling like it was too much for her. Sometimes she wondered how she managed to cope and then she remembered the reason.

Sky was so busy gazing out of the window that she didn’t notice her mother pulling into the car park of the school building. Students were milling about the entrance of the school already, not wanting to go inside just yet. Reluctantly, Sky opened the car door and followed her mother and two siblings to the school office.

She noticed all of the stares and looks that people gave this new family, knowing that they were all wondering who these people were and they were coming to their school. That was a question Sky liked to ask herself frequently; why did they have to come to this school? Or why they had to move 100 miles away from home in the first place? The answer she would always receive was that her father got offered a better job down here, but surely it would make it harder for her mum to get a job? Sky could never understand all the decisions her parents made, but she had to go along with them anyway.

Sky’s mum spoke briefly with the young receptionist who immediately handed her what looked like a thousand pieces of paper. It took about five minutes for June to sign everything that was essential, and then she bid goodbye to her children before leaving to go job seeking.

“Okay, so this is your timetable Rain. As you can see, your form room is T1 and you can clearly see all the rooms on this map.” The receptionist smiled warmly at Sky’s older brother, but she couldn’t help but notice the way she leant over the desk to give Rain a better view of...well, you know. Rain smiled back at the girl who couldn’t have been older than 23, but both Sky and Summer knew that he was uncomfortable; he was shifting his weight between his feet, a trait the three of them shared whenever they were in awkward situations.

“Sky, your timetable and map, Your form room is L4 which is here.” The receptionist, who with a closer inspection at her name badge was called Holly, told Sky who gratefully took the pieces of paper.

“And Summer, you’re in R3.” Holly told the youngest sibling, who looked like she wanted to go back home, but Sky couldn’t tell which home.

“Form time starts in five minutes, so you won’t miss any of it. It lasts for quarter of an hour in the morning and half an hour after lunch. Lessons are an hour each, and lunch is also an hour. Break is twenty minutes and the school day finishes at 3:30. Do you have any questions?” Holly seemed to direct this query directly at the eldest sibling, who simply shook his head after a brief glance at his sisters.

“No, I’m sure we’ll be fine thanks.” Rain replied, before the three siblings made their way out of the school office and into the courtyard, where all the students had mostly disappeared.

“Right, okay, I’m this way, Sky you’re over there and Summer, you’re back that way.” Rain directed his sisters in the direction of their form rooms. Sky couldn’t help but retort back.

“I know Rain, I have eyes.” Her older brother just smiled at her, pleased that his sister was acting more like herself and not being so worried all the time.

“I’ll see you later guys.” Summer said, her voice was quieter than usuIt wouldn’t have taken a genius to work out the fact that she was scared stiff of this new school, and although Sky didn’t want to be here, she didn’t feel half as bad as her younger sister.

“Yeah, bye.” Rain and Sky chorused, earning a small smile from their younger sister. The three of them parted ways, with Sky heading off to the languages block which was where her form room was situated. She climbed the stairs inside the building, turning the corner when she reached the top and looking at the signs on the doors. Making sure she picked the right one, she took a deep breath and opened the door.

Or atleast she tried to.


Merci beaucoup for reading peoples :) 

This is a story by me, No1Mayniac48 and my good friend Zemmii, so go and check both of us out - shameless plug, I know. This may be a bit rubbish at the moment because we're just getting started and these chapters aren't edited but... we enjoy writing this, so we hope you enjoy reading it :)

I hope that wasn't bad, but... Continue reading beautiful people of wattpad!!

(I think I'm coming across as weird here, but I'm not! Promise!) 

:) <3 xxx

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