Chapter 11 - Sky

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Sky made her way to her next class, managing to weave her way through the hoards of students that congregated in the corridors between classes. She had a rough idea of where the geography classroom was, and was rewarded by the familiar face of Ellie at the door.

“Hey Sky. How was... History?” Ellie asked as they walked into the classroom together and sat down near the back of the room on one of the vacant tables.

“It was good thanks, how was ICT?” Ellie could only nod in response as the teacher came into the classroom and proceeded to shout about how everyone was making far too much noise when in actual fact most students were sitting quietly.

The lesson dragged on far too much for Sky’s liking, and it was times like this that she wondered why she could only stop time and not speed it up or slow it down. It would be a lot more useful if she could just skip boring moments in her life but no, that’s not how her unique power works.

“Sky! Pay attention!” The teacher barked at the red head who was staring at the clock, her thoughts consumed by her and Zinnie’s powers. Sky didn’t acknowledge the teacher for she didn’t really hear her; she was wondering what would happen if she paused time too much in the future and passed out, if that meant time would play again back in the present...

“Sky Chance! I am talking to you, young lady!” Sky blinked as she was snapped out her thoughts to see the teacher a shade of red that almost rivalled the colour of Sky’s hair stood before her.

“I...I’m sorry miss...I was just...” Sky didn’t have an excuse for daydreaming in the middle of class, so she hung her head.

“Ignoring me. Come and see me at lunch.” The teacher said sharply, and Sky flushed in embarrassment; she hated being in trouble, and even worse when the teacher was shouting at you in front of the whole class.

Lunch was going to be fun.


“You look miserable... What happened?” Zinnie asked as Sky sat in her allocated seat. The teacher had decided that sitting students in alphabetical order would be good for her to try and learn their names. This meant that Sky was sat next to Zinnie, and she was yet to work out whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

“The geography teacher shouted at me for daydreaming in class.” Sky mumbled, her eyes on the teacher and not her friend. Perhaps they should have been.

A somewhat evil grin made its way on Zinnie’s face as Sky listened to the teacher waffle on about CV’s and application letters. Zinnie pulled her phone out of her pocket and sent a text to Sky’s phone which started to go off a second later.

Sky’s face went red as she sank into her seat and tried to pretend like it wasn’t her phone going off, but everyone knew otherwise. The teacher stopped talking and without saying a word, held her hand out. Sky meekly put her phone in the teachers hand who said,

“You can get it back at the end of the day.” Sky simply thought that this had perhaps been the worst day at school so far.

She got her phone back at the end of the day and she looked to see who had been texting her when she was at school. Her eyes widened when she saw who it was and she became angry. The message itself made Sky giggle slightly, since it read:

OMG, hav u cn ms wilsons nostril hairs? its like shes growing a bush up ther

“What the hell Zinnie?!” She exclaimed down the phone as she began to walk home; after the first day, her mum had decided that driving the three kids down the road to go to school was a waste of petrol.

“What? You got me into trouble in history, so I needed to get even.” Zinnie’s voice came through the phone and Sky could almost picture the smirk which was probably plastered on her lips.

“I didn’t get you into trouble! You were the one who stood up.” Sky reasoned. She knew that Zinnie was the kind of girl to hold grudges, but she didn’t know how far the girl would go to get revenge.

“Only because you were... You know what, I don’t want to argue with you about this again. You got me into trouble, so I did the same. Anyway, I was going to ask you where you wanted to meet up to do this history thing. Mine or yours?” Sky walked down another street before she thought about it. Her mum and dad were going out tomorrow, so it would just be her and her siblings.

“Mine is fine, I guess... When are you free?” Sky asked, as she neared her house.

“I dunno... at ten tomorrow? Is that too early?” Zinnie asked and Sky shook her head before she realised that Zinnie wouldn’t be able to see her.

“No, that should be fine.” Sky said and the conversation ended rather quickly after that.

“Cool, bye.” Zinnie hung up and Sky was left staring at the phone as she almost walked into her front door. Thankfully, she was saved by Rain who grabbed on to her shoulder from behind.

“You okay? You’re staring at the phone like it’s about to explode or something.” Rain told her, who smiled a little at her brother.

“Yeah, I just realised some people are really weird.”

“Says you.” Rain said before edging past his sister and walking inside. He did have a point though; Sky was far from normal.


“Boring.” Zinnie was sat on the dining room table in Sky’s... well, dining room, flicking through a history book and trying to find somewhere interesting to go.

“Romans?” Zinnie asked Sky who shook her head; the Romans were too violent for her. Besides, the Celts had red hair and she really didn’t feel like dying any time soon. Zinnie went back to turning the pages in the book, every so often asking Sky what she thought about certain time periods. They had come up with a maybe pile that consisted of about five options, but Zinnie was running out of pages in the book.

“That’s it.. So, where do you fancy going?” Zinnie asked Sky who was staring out of the window.

“What?” Sky asked her friend as she realised she was being asked a question.

“Pick a place.” Zinnie told the red head, speaking to her like she was a child or a foreigner. Sky scowled at her and grabbed the list from her hands.

Viking Invasion - 793-900

Gunpowder Plot - 1605

Tudor Era - 1485-1603

Battle of Hastings - 1066

Ancient Greece - 776-146 BC

“Don’t you think Ancient Greece is a bit far?” Sky asked Zinnie, her eyebrows raising slightly as she read how far back the last option was.

“Well yeah, but it would be pretty awesome to go there, don’t you think?” Sky could tell that Zinnie was excited at the prospect of time travelling again and it was hard not to be.

“It would be cool...” Sky trailed off, her eyes returning to the list.

“Can you pause time? I want to see how far back I can go before we do this properly.” Zinnie asked Sky, putting the book down and jumping off the table - Sky really had no idea what possessed the girl to make her sit on the table in the first place.

Time stopped and Zinnie seemed to be concentrating hard on something and for a moment nothing happened. Sky opened her mouth to ask the brunette if there was something wrong, but before she could get a word out, blackness consumed her and she fell into empty space.


So, mock exams are over! Yes! I highly doubt I've done very well, especially in Geography or Chemistry, but they're done. *breathes sigh of relief*

And this means that Zemmii and I can write more, wahoo!! 

This chapter may not be very long, so I'm sorry, but they'll probably be longer in the future as we have a lot more to write about! ;)

Thanks for reading peoples!! xx

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