Chapter Six - Zinnia

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After two awful lessons, maths and sociology - Zinnie wasn’t sure why she took sociology, she detested it - Zinnie’s day only happened to get worse. She decided that she’d sit with Ryder and his group at lunch, but she found a certain redhead sitting in her usual spot. Her blue eyes were glancing at other groups of people, she smiled at another girl before she realised Zinnie was there.

As Sky returned Zinnie’s glare everyone and everything stopped moving. Although both Zinnie and Sky did have the ability to move, neither of them did. Blue eyes met hazel, despite the colour difference they both held hostility. The few seconds of eye contact left Zinnie with a sinister feeling - there was absolutely no doubt that Sky could stop and resume time.

When time had restarted Zinnie went to look for different people to sit with but most people had gone to clubs or had private groups; unfortunately she ended up sitting with Holly the receptionist and a year seven that appeared to have no friends. It wasn’t quite as unfortunate as Holly was lovely and the year seven, her name was Freida, came up with fascinating topics of discussion. They played several card games and discussed whether they believed nuclear power station should be used. Zinnie decided it was oddly refreshing, spending time with a new group of people. She promised to lend Freida a book that Teagan had and to visit the next Monday.

After school all Zinnie wanted to do was go straight to bed; but as soon as she got to the caravan Corrine reminded her that she had to go walk Mrs Kingscote’s dog.

On the short walk to Mrs Kingscote’s bungalow, Zinnie wondered why the elderly woman bought such an energetic young puppy. Mrs Kingscote’s hip had failed her earlier in the year; she could barely put the bins out, let alone walk Avalon. Zinnie also wondered why on Earth she took the job of walking Avalon. The pay was fairly good, but the Akita puppy was full of boundless energy and seemed to enjoy trying to escape from Zinnie. Worst of all was that Avalon seemed to loathe her, whenever she came to Mrs Kingscote’s house Avalon would hide his head under the flowery curtains, his theory being that if he couldn’t see anyone, they couldn’t see him.

As soon as Zinnie had the leash attached to Avalon’s collar, a difficult task, mind you - it took three people and a shopping trolley, the pair set off. Zinnie was half dragged down the road and she was glad that she had a firm grip on Avalon’s leash, or else the large puppy would have disappeared to the other side of town in the time it had taken them to walk one road. Thinking of time, Zinnie allowed her mind to wander to Sky, about whether she should confront her about her ‘powers’. Zinnie wondered if Sky paused time while they weren’t in each other’s presence, would Zinnie be stuck in that time too? Did Sky even have the ability to pause time while Zinnie wasn’t there? Or was Zinnie the one that stopped it? Zinnie wondered a lot. And as her mind wandered, she physically started wandering too.

She left her normal path, Avalon leading the way down unknown roads and alleys and Zinnie didn’t notice, caught up in the murky, troublesome swamps of her mind. A flash of bright red hair brought her down from them, red hair that she imagined she would be seeing in her dreams later that night.

“Sky?” The other girl turned towards her, eyes almost as wide as an anime character’s.

“Umm, hi?” Suddenly Avalon started barking, and approached Sky at an alarming speed. Sky took one look at the animal and bolted. Zinnie’s hand was almost wrenched off as the leash was strapped on so tight.

“Wait! Stop!” She shouted, both at Sky and Avalon. If either heard they ignored her, and she was hauled along the winding roads. Zinnie contemplated undoing the strap around her hands, her fingers felt numb from the loss of circulation, but she figured she would be in more trouble if Avalon got lost. She kept running, her brain not allowing more room for any thought but to keep her aching legs going. Her lungs burned and her cheeks were as red as the Zinnia flowers Corrine bought in the summer, Zinnie started seeing spots in front of her eyes just before they came to an abrupt stop.

Avalon had finally caught up with Sky, and had bounded upon the poor girl. Both of them lay there panting, and Zinnie stumbled over to lie next to them. It was an odd sight to see, two girls and a dog sprawled across the grass on the edge of a park, trying to catch their breaths. When Sky started sitting up, Zinnie did too; she loosened the leash and wiggled her fingers until she felt the circulation starting up in them again.

“You,” Zinnie’s breaths were still abnormally fast, “You can control time.”

“No,” Sky replied, “I can’t. I can only stop and,” she took a deep breath, “start it again.”

Avalon sat up at the sound of her voice and made his doggy way over to her. He sat down next to Sky and whimpered. Sky tentatively reached out to stroke him.

“You- how? Avalon hates strangers!” Zinnie sat in shock as Avalon nuzzled against Sky, who giggled at his hair tickling her cheek.

“Why does everything you say to me start off with ‘You’?” Sky asked.

“Well, I… Sorry. But that’s not the point, you can stop time and then, well, you know. And you made me stop too? Why? How? What-“

“Please don’t freak out.”

“I’m not freaking out!” Zinnie cried out, “I’m just... Interested in your time stopping abilities, how long have you been doing that exactly?”

“Umm, ever since I can remember,” Sky stood slowly and Avalon leaped up to join her, “or at least the past six years.”

“So why do I have to be dragged into your magical witchcraft or whatever?”

Sky glared up at Zinnie, “I have no idea! Okay? I only wanted it as much as you did!” Avalon bared his teeth at Zinnie who retaliated by pulling his leash suddenly.

“Come on Avalon, it appears we aren’t wanted here.” Zinnie wasn’t surprised to see that instead of following along like a good little dog, the massive pup decided to huddle next to Sky. “Oh that’s it.” Zinnie dropped the leash, “If you’re so good with dogs then you take him home.”

Zinnie stormed off, ignoring Sky’s pleas. She was halfway home when she felt a presence following her, although she didn’t feel it was an especially hostile one. She turned to see the amber Akita following her footsteps demurely, without being forced in any way.

Huh, she thought, Sky must really be magical. Where else does she get hair that red from?



Yay! Finally got it done! Sorry Kelsey, I'm really rubbish with this being on time thing. And I had loads of homework and tests and my dad came back, soooo...

Oh, by the way, there's a Tangled reference up there. See if you can find it. ^-^

Thanks for reading! ---<@

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