My baby's gone </3 (For Jasmine)

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You're on your way to your house, to see your husband, Justin and your little daughter, Caitlin-- who's only 4 years old-- after a long day at work.

And yes, you are married to the Justin Bieber :)

Your phone rang. it was justin.
You smiled; god you love this kid so much.

You: "Hey babe"

Justin: "Jasmine! Baby girl! I miss you!"

You: "Hehe, I miss you too. What's up?" you smiled.

Justin: "Oh nothing. I just wanted to know when your coming! Like I said; I miss you and I wanna be with my two favorite girls in the world ya know?"

You: "Okay that was corny, but aww i'll be there in 10 mins babe. I love you so much! tell Caitlin that mommy says hi and that i love her. okay?"

Justin giggled.

Justin: "I love you too sweetie! And am sure gonna tell her. Bye babe."

You: "bye honey"

It usually takes 15 to 20 minutes to your house so yeah; turning right, and opening the radio, not seeing the huge buses on the road; BAMN!

And after that.... everything went black.

Justin's POV-

It's been 20 minutes and Jasmine didn't come yet. I'm worried! she said she'll be there in 10 minutes but ehh maybe its just traffic.

But now it's been 30 minutes since Jasmine didn't came and let me tell you, I am worried as fuck right now so I called her but no answer. I called her again but still no answer!

Where the fuck could she be?

I opened the TV, since i have nothing to do and flicked over the channels but nothing interesting was there so I just opened the news and saw there was an accident a block beside our house making my heart skips a beat. Frowning and hoping it was not I was thinking it is, I looked carefully at the car that was smashed between the others;

Yup! That's defiantly Jasmine's car......

I got up as quickly as I could trying not to cry but no its too late; am already crying like a 3 year old child. I carried Caitlin with me.

"Daddy? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Caitlin said.

"Umm... uh.. its just mommy is h-hurt and we need to see her okay? but don't worry everything's f-fine" I cracked.

I walked passed the people and cops around the cars trying to push them out of my way.

"Sir, you can't be here!" a cop said.

"I'm her husband!!!" I cried walking pass him not wanting a respond.

~~~~At the Hospital~~~~

I am sitting on these fucking uncomfortable chairs of the hospital, crying my eyes out as I pray that my baby goes out save. Caitlin's sitting on my lap with this sad expression on her face. I mean she's just 4, she won't understand this but whatever Jasmine is what important right now.

A nurse came and told me I cam see here so I entered the hospital room and saw here lifeless body on the bed.

I walked slowly toward her, tears running through my cheeks as I saw all the bruises on her arms and face making Caitlin gasp.

"Sh-shhh. It's okay; mommy's fine sweetheart." I said as i hugged her tight not wanting her to see.

I held Jasmine's hand and sobbed quietly. "Baby girl.... p-please wake up! Don't leave me and Caitlin alone! We love youuuu!" i cried more when the doctor came.

"Hi, i'm Doctor John. I wanna say am sorry for her. We're not really sure if she'll be okay because the car accident was big and all.. i'm sorry but we'll see what will happen"

And with that I burst into tears...

~~~ 20 mins later~~~

Your POV-

I woke up in a bright room, lights are directly on my face making me blink a couple of times until i was used to the light.

Where am I?

I looked beside me and saw a little cute girl sleeping beside me and boy who interlocked our hands together, he was sleeping, and his head was rested on my hands, and I can see dry tears on his cheek.

I know them?

"W-what's going on?" i said, my voice sounds weak.

I took my hands off his, making his head fall but quickly snap up again and awake. He blinked a few times, and his eyes went wide and watery.

"Baby girl!!!!!" He cried as he hugged me tight like there's no tomorrow.

Baby girl?

"Oww!" i winced in pain.

"Oh I'm so sorry! But thank god you're awake! how are you feeling?"

"Not to sound rude but who are you? and who's that girl who's beside me?" i rubbed my forehead.

He froze.

"Baby.... Stop joking!" he chuckled nervously.

"Am not joking. W-what's going on?! And who are y-you? do I know you guys?"

"What do you mean by 'who are you?' and 'do i know you?' I'm j-justin. J-justin Bieber. Your h-husband and this is our little girl: C-caitlin!" He cracked as I saw the tears run through his cheek.

"I'm sorry, but I don't remember you."

Then Caitlin woke up.

She looked at me and smiled huge.

"Mommyyyyy!" she hugged me.

"I don't remember meeting you guys! What do you mean you're my husband and thats our girl!? Since when i'm married?!!! SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME!"

"OH MY GOD! n-no way!!! no way! You don't remember anything d-don't you? Oh m-my god! Baby girl! I'm your h-husband! And that's o-our baby girl! L-listen you were driving and you had a c-car a-accident and apperntly you l-lost y-your m-memory! Oh god nooo! DOCTER PLEASE COME!" he screamed as the machine beside me went off.

And that's everything I heard before I was pulled into a room seeing a doctor place me in a bed with this lights were fixed on me burning holes into my body, and these unfamiliar faces looking at me like I was some freak, and after that, everything went black for the second time today.....

~~~~Justin's POV~~~

I lost her.... We lost her.

I lost the love of my life!!! She was j-just...

I-I- can't take it anymore! Knowing i'm
n-n- never gonna see her hurts so much!

My baby is gone! My baby's d-dead....! </3

And she left me with our baby girl, a lone in this world.


Hope you liked it!

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