#Imagine (For Tricia)

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This is for @Tricia_Bianca25
Hope you like it!


You won a ticket to Justin Bieber interview. You're sitting in the audience watching Justin live! When the interview starts Justin keeps looking at the audience.

Interviewer: "So Justin... You keep looking at the audience all the time! Is there a special girl that caught your eyes?"

Justin blushes like crazy.

Interviewer: "Haha we knew it!! Tell us Justin, who's she?"

Justin laughs and points directly at you. Your heart stops beating!

'What?!' You thought to your self.

Interviewer: "Aww, get down here girl!"
Someone from the staff helps you to get down to the stage, everyone is 'aw'ing and cheering.

Justin pulls you to his lap!

'Is this really happening??' You thought to your self again.

Interviewer: "So, what's your name?"

You: "My name is Tricia"

Interviewer: "Tell us Tricia, would you mind taking a kiss from Justin Bieber?!"

You blush and giggle.

You: "Not at all!"

Justin: "Well come here then!" He smiles.

Justin Bieber ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now