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Hi, what ya think of the last chapter? If you liked it plz tell me. And i really hope you'll enjoy this, :3 I would love it if you had some ideas I can use, Well, Enjoy =)


Shiro's POV

I smiled at Lenalee as we went towards the cafeteria in search of Allen, we found him just as he was leaving the table. When he spotted us he came over.

"Hi, girl's, what are you doing?" He smiled at us and let his eyes wander over to me alone, I felt blood boil up in my face, and i was obviusly blushing. We told him and started walking back the hallway. I saw Allen started to blush to. A akward sillence fell over the two of us, suddenly Lenalee started giggeling. We looked at eatch other and looked confused at Lenelee.

"Well I better go now, it's getting late." Then she left the two of us awkwardly staring out in space.

I looked at the ground, but i could feel his eyes on me, we stood there a while, this just got more and more awkward, suddently we heard Kanda yell at something, we looked at each other and nooded. We raced of, I ran behind Allen as i diden't know were his room was. Allen stopped in front of a door, found a key and unlocked it quickly. I heard footsteps in the hallway close by. Allen opend the door and we leaped in. I grabbed the doorhandle as i tripped in something, the door closed, my hand slipped and I fell on Allen.

"Aww, Oh, gosh, im so sorry, are you okay Allen?" I moved quickly, trying to get of him.

And as i stood up I slid a sock laying on the floor, I was about to fall back down on Allen, when he reacted and grabbed my waist before I landed on him agen. I heard someone open the door, close it, and run away. Allen layed me over on the side and stood up quickly, he walked towards the door, opend it and signed.

"It was just Lavi, its fine." I nooded and looked at him, still laying on the side. I could still feel the places he held me burning, Allen's face was burning red, and i was ceirtan mine was to.

"Well," Allen looked at me, covering his mouth. "I dont have much space here, so we have to share a bed, i know its not big, but i dont have space on the floor either. It's actualy made for just one person."

I nooded, and wonderd if it was possible for any of us to become even more colorfull.

Somehow we both pressed into th same bed, I was laying closest to the wall, as i had a hard time sleeping without a wall at my side. I noticed Allen was quickly asleep, I closed my eyes, think I slept for a few minutes, then I felt someones arm around me. I let my eyes slid open, turning my head around slowly to see Allen's peacefully sleeping face, 'So cute!' I thought to myself.

"..." I stayed sillent as, I felt sleep was taking over and closed my eyes.

        Allen's POV

I woke up as Shiro turned around in her sleep, as I realised my hand was resting over her shoulder, I couldent help but widen my eyes. But i dident dare to move it in case it would wake her. Watching her sleeping face I felt my heartbeat go faster and faster.

I had no clue what I was doing, but my hand cearfully dragged her closer, I closed my eyes, so it looked like I was sleeping if she woke up. I heard her mumble something, I coulden't help but open my eyes a bit. 'So cute, I cant belive this!...But Kanda is gonne kill me if he finds out about this.' I started to get nervous about tomorrow. Then I felt her arm moving over me, her blanket started to fall of, so she most be getting cold.

I cearfully dragged her body even closer to mine, she diden't wake up. I relaxed more as i heard her heardbeat and her breath so close to me. I felt my eyes slip and fell asleep.


Pst, next chapter will be about the same thing, just with Lavi and Kuroko, U exited? I am, cant wait to finish it :3 (is there are any spelling mistakes, sry =P)

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