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Wasent I evil last time? >;D okay, okay, il let u read...


Kanda's POV

'I coulden't help it, she was just so...cute, adorable. No, there must be something wrong with me. I heard the door click. 'Damn, they most have found a key!' I didn't have time to think as I dragged Shiro into my closet and I entered after her as I closed the wardrobe door behind me. I heard the door open and kept my hand over Shiros mouth. Praying they wouldn't open the door. I looked at Shiro, who seemed frightened. I realized that this must be pretty scary for her and sighed in my head. 'I am such an IDIOT!' I thought to myself. 'If only I was more like Allen...' as I realized what I was thinking I was really considering to stab myself.

"See, I told you, it wasn't Kanda." Lavi's voice, so he was here, with someone else. Before I heard his voice, I knew who it was.

"Hmm, seems you're right. Lets keep looking, we have to find her..." I heard the door close again and let out a sigh a few secounds later.

I stayed in there a few more minutes, Shiro tried to say something, "mhmph!"

Suddently I felt a stinging paint in my hand, I quickly moved it from Shiro's mouth, I looked down at her annoyed, but I could see she was really scared and quickly stopped frowning at her.

"..." As I scrathedthe back of  my head i mumbeld, "S- sorry..."

She looked up at me with big eyes, 'So cute!' I couldent hold back anymore, I leaned forwards and kissed her. I felt that she was resisting, but I coulden't stop, not now! I felt her arms move on my shoulders, she was still resisting, and suddently she pushed me really hard backwards. She pushed her way out of the closet. For some reason I got incredebly desperat, I leaped out after her, grabbing her ankel.

"...Please, don't go. I'm sorry, I just cant help it..." But my words dident calm her at all, it had rather the upesite effect. I got up on my legs and stepped quickly towards her.

She looked desperatly around, she looked under the bed, then rolled around and hid under there. I slapped myself as I realised what I was doing. I reatch for the key on the dlosed and opend the door, I slammed it hard as I left.

Shiro's POV

After Kanda left the room I cruled together under the bed, crying, I promissed myself not to tell anyone, not even Kuroko. But somehow I liked the kiss, all the places he touched was burning, but in a good way. I wiped my tears away, and sneaked out from under the bed, I had to find an excuse, that was easy enough. I could always say i got lost, after all, this place was pretty big.

I signed and opend the door and went out of Kanda's room. As I stood in the hallway I looked around, hoping nobody was around. Luckily I dident see anyone.

Walking around the hallways to find the cafeteria I bumped into Kuroko at some point -

"Where have you been!" She yelled at me as she hugged me, really hard.

"Oh, I got lost, you know me, Always getting lost..." I said, with a akward laugh, Kuroko frowned at my words, but let it be.

"Come on, We were all so worried about you!" She said as she dragged me towards the cafeteria even faster.

As we enterd I saw Kanda sitting in the corner, eating soba-noodels. I felt scared as I saw him, yet I couldent take my eyes of him, as I looked at him I moved my hand towards  my lips, remembering the kiss. I saw him looking at me, his eyes were sad, we both looked away.

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