A walk in town (LavixKuro)

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Lavi's POV

I saw Kuroko enter the door with a big smile, I smiled back. Wondering why she was so happy, after all her best friend had just vanished. I didn't have to wonder for long thought, a second later, her friend Shiro enterd the room. Allen stood up and almost ran towards her, he seemed a little, tiny bit angry.

"Where te HECK were you!?" His expresion was either anger, worry or happiness. My eyes flicked quickly over to Kanda, as I noticed Shiro's eyes fall on his emo corner was a very short secound.

"I-Im Sorry." Shiro said quickly, tears appearing in her eyes. Allen seemed to realise how scary he must have looked to Shiro and apologized.

Kuroko walked behind my back and suddenly her head was on my shoulder.

"She was close to Kanda's room..." She whisperd in my ear. I noded, trying to avoid letting Allen notice. He kept shooting suspicious glares at Kanda. Which he seemed to return with a jealous one.

The tension in the room began to raise, so I decided to drag our little 'gang' out from the cafeteria.

I sent Allen and Shiro off somewhere and decided to go down town with Kuroko.

"Say, Kuroko, whats it like in Your world?" I was really curios. She stopped a moment, as if thinking how to explain it.

"Well, first of all we dont have people With innocences. And I don't know of any hammers that grows, or anyone so skilled With swords as Kanda. And especially not anyone who has an arm like Allen's..." She sighed. "Also, we have Phones." She suddenly stopped and pulled out a flat Object from her Pocket. She pressed a small button on the top.

"Im such an idiot!" she yelled at herself as she facepalmed. "I had my phone all this time?!" I hurried towards her, wondering what a phone was. We also have Phones, but they look nothing like this!

"Can I have a look?" She handed me the phone. "You probably won't get any contact, I Guess..." I kept looking and trying out the phone as we walked Down town.

"I should show this to Komui..." I mumbled impressed With the other worlds technology.

Kuroko's POV

As he investigated the phone I could not help but giggle. He looked puzzled at me.

"Sorry, sorry, its just that it's totaly normal to me, but you seem so found of it..." We soon came Down town.

"Wow, it's like a town from some kind of fairy tale!" I brust out as I looked at the houses. Some made from rock, others out of tree. I saw a market a bit further away. "Can we og check it out?" as I turned to him I countinued. "Please?"

He nodded and we hurried over to the market. As we walked through the place there was something the cought mu eye. Lavi looked at me, he seemed to have noticed.

"You like it?" he asked, his face Close to my ear, his voice sounded a bit sleepy. I suddently blushed.

"I-It's not like I want it..." I said as I turned the other way, thought me eyes betrayed me and flicked once more towards the object.


I know, I know i'm sorry it so short, and I havent written in a while. SORRY! I have writers Block on this story. Very annoying.

Soooo....I need ideas for what the Object can be. A dagger? Neckles? Bracelet? Ring? Fake ears? Wings? Idk, something orgianl. please help. i'm kinda stuck...

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